
Saturday 2 October 2010

Travel Inspired

It's Kirsten turn to host the challenge at Allsorts this week and she has come up with the great theme of Travel/Holidays.

So the opportunity for a first inking up some of the images from Penny Black 30-023. I started by creating a background using Tim Holtz stormy sky, wild honey and Glimmer Mist iridescent gold. I stamped Pont Veccio, the famous bridge in Firenz or Florence as most know it as and the Tour Eiffel in black versafine and embossed with detail clear. I then stamped both randomly with the two TH inks.

Next I distressed the edges and embossed with detail gold and added some swirls around the edge with Hero Arts F5042 and Penny Black 3878F. I mounted the piece onto a mat edged with Martha Stewart round the page double loop, added some punched butterflies and some computer generated wording. This card is also for the following challenges:

Sweet Stamping - Punch it Out
Lots to Do - Vintage

My second card is for this weeks Polkadoodles challenge which Dee has set with the theme of Fancy/Interesting Folding. My card uses some of the images from the gorgeous new CD . This is a must have for you all and Nikky really has pulled out all the stops on this one. I love this acorn image and printed it our several times to decoupage and added leaves cut from from the same CD tied with raffia. The card was created simply on the scoreboard from a sheet of A4 cardstock and lined with a sheet of coordinating paper from the CD.


  1. Brenda, both cards are gorgeous but my favourite has to be Paris. This time 10 years ago I was in Paris for my 30th birthday and this time last year I was in Blackpool for my 40th birthday so this card brought a smile to my face when I saw it. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  2. OMG these are amazing Brenda, love that travel card, it's beautiful, so YOUR style xxx

  3. Oh WOW!! Gorgeous cards!! Absolutely stunning!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  4. Gorgeous cards Brenda! Love the way you used the PB stamps, oh I want to travel :)


  5. Hi Brenda - your Paris card is stunning and I love the acorn image on the second one - I went to the Park earlier trying to capture some Autumn colours on camera but the leaves haven't changed much yet! I did manage to pick up a few acorns though so this card brought a smile to my face.

    Love Lynda xxx

  6. Oh these are lovely great travel theme card first love those stamps LOL

    Autumn vintage card lovely thank you for sharing with us at LTD this week. xx Zoe

  7. Wow, Brenda! These are both totally stunning! I lvoe them. The colours on the first are so beautiful- will have to try that combination. Love the tent fold too. That is another I haven't tried yet.

  8. Hi Brenda, these are stunning!! I would love to use the first card as a front cover for a travel journal, you know me and all my little trips, and the second one was just beautiful with those autumnal colours and rafia stringy stuff!! xxx

  9. Great projects Brenda - I love the acorns - really fab! Cheers Claire x

  10. OMG...marvelous work Brenda!!! The first one have to make a Lo of this one about your travelling this summer!!! Or...send it over to me with some photos and I´ll make one for you!!!!!

    Many hugs Lina

  11. OH I love hte 3d acorns

    and that parisian card is amazing!!!

  12. Two great creations! You managed to use punches and dies in both of them to great effect so thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  13. Hi Brenda,
    Two stunning cards again..Love the colours on the first and the second one is beautiful clean and simple and the colours and aperture are fab...Hope it's alright to lift the idea for the aperture and hanging image????....Thanks for the comment on my back I'm waiting for physio but I moved a bit funny yesterday and I'm back in considerable pain again,just want it to get better it restricts everything I can do....
    Mandy xx

  14. Hi there Brenda

    Two more stunning cards. Particularly love the colours and style of the travel card.

    Hugs Ali x

  15. sooooooooooooooo GORGEOUS!!!! love your travel card, it is just so soft and delicate! Love the mix of images the colours and the bling! such a beautiful cretaion!!

    Your tent card is just utterly fabulous too!!!

    Hugs Juls

  16. Hi Brenda two fabulous and stunning cards, love the travel one especially as we are on our way tomorrow, and the second is gorgeous, love those acorns they look almost real. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  17. Wow two stunning cards, I love the acorns the image is

  18. Hi Brenda and what gorgeous cards you have created love the travel on the blending is stunning

    Thanks for sharing with the Lotstodo Challenge x Hilda

  19. LOve the card Brenda - both are fabulous - but the travel one is my fave - prob cos i want to be there !
    Lisa ;)

  20. Your travel card is stunning, Brenda. Those colours are amazing. I love the collagey feel.
    Love those acorns too, don't they look real.
    Just been having a catch up with your last post too. More fantastic cards. I don't know where you get your energy, Brenda. You must certainly be feeling better.
    Have you managed to keep dry today?
    Hugs Lisax

  21. Wow 2 very different but great cards. My favourite is number 2 because of it being different to the norm. Hugs Nicola xx

  22. Gorgeous cards Brenda love all the detail on the first and the second one is stunning.
    Louise xx

  23. Gorgeous images and fab colours. Just love this!

  24. Your cards are so pretty (:
    Keep up the great work.

  25. Wow...two more stunning cards. Those acorns on the second card are so beautiful.

  26. Love your Paris entry - so dreamy.

  27. Beautiful cards, especially the travel card! Very unusual.

  28. wow Brenda what stunning work, beautifully made...thanks for joining in with the Sweet Stampin challenge
    Guest DT

  29. Really nice card, Brenda, love the stamping and the colors
