
Saturday 9 October 2010

Our house in the middle of our street........ Madness and my take of Amanda's great theme at Allsorts this week - Take Inspiration from a Song Title. So a perfect opportunity to share a card a made recently for a demo day at Sir Stampalot.

Before I tell you about my creations, a reminder that Penny Black at Allsorts has lots of prizes to give away this month. The theme is Autumn, a nice easy one so please pop over and join in the fun.

This card was sheer indulgence to make and I won't even start to list the stamps I used beyond the little houses which are one of the Christmas 2010 sets from Hero Arts CL464. Some shrinky, some masking, decoupage, diamond glaze and so on, but if anyone wants details of anything specific please drop me a mail. This card fits the following challenges I hope:

Anything Goes - Christmas Has Come Early
For Fun - Never Used (the little dogs - had the stamp years)

My second share, well two actually is for Polkadoodles, where Lou would wants us to make our own embellishments.

I already had the angel card loaded, but when I saw the new CD just had to do another. I don't usually 'do' Halloween, but the images and elements in the new ????? CD changed all that and I really love all of them. The haunted house is pre coloured and I enlarged it and used acetate to create a window, cut out the vampired who is also pre coloured, then cut leaves and pumpkins to embellish, adding diamond glaze to give then a sheen. This card is also for the following challenges:

Simon Says - Halloween
The Stampman - Autumn
Charisma Cardz - Autumn/Halloween

The angel is one of the new Christmas Doodle stamps, decoupaged and coloured with Copics. The papers are from Paper Boutique Creative Christmas CD, Martha Stewart arch lattice punch and some lace. This card is for the following challenge:

Stamp Something - Something Punchy


  1. Wow, wow. That is some fine cutting out in your first much detail. Then followed by two fantastic cards with terrific embellishments. That halloween window is so much fun.

  2. Hi Brenda - wowee love that little scene its gorgeous .
    But of course being a Halloween freak the second card is my fave lol.. Thanks so much for joining in my spooky challenge at BTC&G
    Have a great weekend Brenda
    Lisa ;)

  3. oh brenda hun these are awesome the detail and all the delicate cutting you must have done to achieve,these is just brilliant,hugs cheryl xxxx

  4. Hi Brenda,all cards are gorgeous but nr1 is my favorite,im stilla big fan of Madness so.
    Hugs Heidy

  5. Hello Brenda! Amazing creations, the first one just blows my eyes, great job, how lovely card.
    Have a great weekend,
    many hugs;-))m

  6. gorgeous card Brenda.
    Have wonderful weekend
    hugs rozzy xx

  7. More delicious cards Brenda but the first one is 'simply the best' thought I'd stick a song title in too lol. Have a great weekend.

    Love Lynda xxx

  8. Wow girl, you've been busy. :) Gorgeous cards. I especially love the first one with the winter scene. But all of them are fab! Hugs Hanna

  9. Gorgeous. Love the street of houses card x

  10. Your card is gorgeous Brenda, a what a fab song choice, I loved Madness back in their day!!

  11. Wow, you've put so many lovely details into your card..I love it. Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz.

  12. You have been busy Brenda. Fab cards all of them but my favourite is the Christmas one at the top - it's amazing!
    Have a great weekend.
    Clare x

  13. All fabulous, Brenda, but you have surpassed yourself with the first one! So much detail. Brilliant! xx

  14. Hi Brenda wow just love your cards! the houses one is my fav it's just stunning!!!!!

  15. Three beautiful cards Brenda all very different but equally gorgeous!

    I think my fav has to be the acetate window onto the spooky world! What fun it is! Im always drawn by elements that Ive never tried and acetate is it on this card!

    Keryn x

  16. Love your street scene, I always liked Madness too!

  17. Fab Christmas card, such a pretty snow scene.

    Thanks for joining us at "anything goes" this week.

    Love Kerry xxx

  18. Hi dear
    lovely cards... the first one is so nice!! It makes me thinking about a Astrid Lindgren story!! :)

  19. I have to say the Christmas street card is so inspiring it must of taken SO long to cut out all those wee bits 'n' bobs but all worth it

    Love Dawn xx

  20. wow what lovely cards,the first one must have taken you ages to do all that colouring in and cutting out.Have a super w/end xx jo xx

  21. 3 Amazing cards, love them all so much. hugs chris xx

  22. Great song choice and what an amazing collection of cards you have created too. Hug s Nicola xx

  23. Sometimes we just have to indulge ourselves and if you cannot do that at a Demo where can you? LOL lovin' your Christmas card. xx Zoe

  24. fabulous collection! Love the shrinkies on your sarah kay creation!! fabulous!!! Hugs Juls

  25. Hi Brenda~~~

    OMG Gorgeous Scene, love the details you put in, so swell!!!

    Great halloween card too!

    and that angel is the sweetest!!!

  26. Hi there Brenda, I'm loving your cards each one so different but real skill in all, great!!

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog:0) xx

  27. Hi Brenda. Wow..what gorgeous cards. The first one is so detailed, like real life but miniture. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Glad I found yours too :-)xx Jenny xx

  28. Thank you for visiting my blog Brenda and making such lovely comments. I love all your cards, so much attention to detail. Annette x

  29. Oh wow, these are gorgeous Brenda, I love the Christmas scene xxx

  30. Fabulous cards again Brenda, love "Our House", the card and the Madness song. xx

  31. They are all stunning cards, Brenda, but the spooky pumpkins are the scariest!
    Thank you for joining in the BTC&G Spooky challenge.

  32. Gorgeous cards, love the street scene, it's very effective. Sorry about the mix up, just gives me an excuse to go and make another card ;-)

  33. Fabulous cards Brenda, love your acetate bay window on your Halloween card, great layout and all you details are fantastic, I especially love the leaves.
    Thanks so much for joining us in the Simon Says Stamp challenge.
    hugs Heather xx

  34. Wow Brenda stunning cards but the first one as so much detail and is gorgeous.It was lovely to see you on Sunday have missed you both in the shop.
    Louise xx

  35. Fab as always. Hope you're ok xx

  36. What can I say Brenda Our House what a brilliant idea and I love all your attention to detail love Linda

  37. Hi Brenda. Thanks so much for joining us at The Stamp Man - your Autumn/Halloween card is great and I certainly don't envy you cutting out all those leaves! The other cards are beautiful too and so well put together :) xx

  38. Just doing the rounds visiting all you DT gals who inspired me to enter Allsorts...

    I love your take Brenda, a perfect song choice to boot....

    Catch you later
