
Tuesday 5 October 2010

Chocolate wonders

How's every one's day going ?

These are a couple of pictures I've been meaning to share since we came back from holiday in August. They are all chocolate and featured on the dessert tables at brunch. I never actually got to try either as I was always totally stuffed by the time they were cut.

Been oh so busy at work which means not much crafting which is just typical with Christmas orders piling up and another wedding.....not my favourite pastime if I'm honest, I don't enjoy the monotony of repetitive crafting, but needs must. So just a couple of shares today.

The first one is following a lovely sketch at Midnight Madness......if you have never entered go check them out as they have some brilliant sketches. I used some gorgeous glittery My Minds Eye DP for both the base of the card and for the decoupages flowers. The backgrond was created using Tim Holtz sage and linen and Glimmer Mist gold, overstamped with Hero Arts H2356 old French writing using the TH sage, them stamping Hero Arts S5362 dogwood. I coloured the leaves with Copics, then spritzed the cut our flowers with Glimmer Mist pearl and shaped whilst still wet. I added crystals to the centres of the flowers, some ribbon and a couple of slides. This card is for the following challenges:

Spoonful of Sugar - Sparkle and Shine
Scrapbook Sisters - Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

My second card uses Penny Black 40-024 rain or shine as the main image, coloured with Copics and decoupaged with three layers. The DP is Nitwits, some swirls cut from Sizziz dies and flowers from stash. This card is for the following challenges:

Papertake Weekly - Birthday Blog hop and choose any theme from previous challenges - I went for 'Check it Out'

And finally a little box or rather tin, coloured with alcohol inks, overstamped with various Magenta stamps and embossed with detail gold. Inside a little collection of pictures from around the world held together with ribbon. This is for the following challenge:

Tuesday Taggers - Pandora's Box


  1. your creations are beautiful and those pictures of the chocholate are awesome how clever i love the first one of the eiffel tower xx

  2. What beautiful projects, Brenda! Love them all! And those chocolate pieces???? Oh, my! Amazing, aren't they?!

    Hope your day is wonderful, my friend!


  3. More stunning projects Brenda. I hope you find the time your need for all your crafting.
    Hugs, Clare x

  4. Wow! I so love the layered flowers and colour scheme of the first card and that cute little tin is just gorgeous. I can't wait for you to see my card tomorrow,so inspired by you though not up to your standard! do you mind if I link it to your brayer tutorial. BTW with all the bling on your first card it would be perfect for this weeks Scrapbook sister's card challenge that finishes at midnight tonight.You can find a link on my blog. Have a great evening,Julie.x

  5. I love your cards, but wow! those desserts!!

  6. Oh,my,those desserts looks amazing ;o)

    And your creations are stunning!Love them all :)
    It`s raining her i Norway,autumn is here!We have autumn vacation in the schools this week.
    But it`s a great weather for crafting ;)
    Have a lovely evening!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  7. Fabulous projects Brenda,love the card with the brolly, really nice colours. Ohhh all that chocolate, hate tp think how many calories are in that tower!!!

  8. Fantastic projects again Brenda, you always come up with the goods. Thanks for joining the TT challenge again with your fabulous tin, it's gorgeous.
    My mouth is watering at the sight of those fabulous chocolate creations"

  9. Some beautiful creations here Brenda including those amazing chocolate ones. I'd have had to leave room for some of those lol. Love the little decorated tin.

    Love Lynda xxx

  10. Hiya Brenda. I hope you see this. Please pop over to my blog I have left something there for you. Love Sandra xx

  11. Gorgeous creations as always Brenda and yummy chocolate too
    Love sarah x

  12. Chocolate haven but if you have to watch what you eat for any reason that temptation would have been torture. With you all the way on repatitive crafting but as you saw needs must (((Hugs)))

    Love your box such a treasure thank you for sharing with us at Tuesday Taggers again xx Zoe

  13. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

    Your cards are fab!! Love the floral one the dimension is amazing and the bling is the perfect finishing touch!!! Love your little tin too, so fabulous and creative!!

    Hugs Juls

  14. The chocolate creations look lovely but a bit too big for the handbag would give a go though lol!

  15. Hi Brenda, loving your newest creations especially the little box, very sweet. But my favourite has to be those dessert tables!! Too full to try it out, what a waste!! You should be ashamed of your self lol.

  16. I have just spent 30 minutes catching up on your blog. Your work so amazes me with all of your creativity. Love, love, love the Penny Black tree and everything else too.
    I see you used the new die from Magnolia...I'm not quite sure about buying it. If you have the time could you please drop by and tell me what you really think of the die. Thanks,

  17. What amazing chocolate creations. I think I'd have been skipping dinner to make sure I had room for some of these!!! But then I love puddings!!
    Your flowers are beautiful, lovely and shimmery and I love your tin too. I must get my inks out again.
    Have you managed to get the sunshine today?
    Hugs Lisax

  18. beautiful artwork Brenda. melx

  19. Oh are so talented. Love how each of the cards are beautiful. That pandora's box is stunning. Now that food sure looks yum!!!!!

  20. Oh... yummiest eiffle tower I've ever seen! lol! Love all your projects, the flowers look great on your top card! ♥

  21. That chocolate Eiffel Tower is amazing! You must have great willpower to have been able to resist it!

    Lovely cards! I do like the design of the dogwood one, a great sketch, as you say. And the tin is perfect for a Pandora's Box. xx

  22. oh wow love that chocolate effiel tower oh yummy and as for your cards hun they are all amazing hugs cheryl xxxx

  23. My oh my Brenda..chockolate heaven!! Yummy yummy...I´m wowed about you having the "currage" ti resist it!! Hiihih I would have grabbed it and run!!

    You are the most creative person I know!! Lovelly things are just poring out of you!! You never sese to amaze me Brenda!! The little pink box is to die for!!
    Have a great evening
    Hugs Lina

  24. Yum to the culinary creations and the black and white card is lovely....the tin is my favourite (being a lover of altering).

    Great work!

    C x

  25. OMG DROOOOOL at those chocolate parisian goodnesses! lol

    Gorgeous flowers and great style on the first card!

    Great stamp and colors on the second!

    AND LASTLY That is an awesome tin idea, love love love it!

  26. Oh My, is that chocolate tower beautiful! I do not think I could eat Your cards and tin are beautiful! I am such a Tim Holtz fan. I recently bought the Elegant Flourishes Die and LOVE it!

    Cecelia B

  27. I was stopping by to say thanks for joining us at the Scrapbook Sisters Card Challenge, but got *very* distracted by the pics of the cakes!! Incredible!!

    Love your cards too, good luck in the challenge and hope to see you next week Sue xx

  28. Hi Brenda,
    Knowing my love of chocolate,I think I could have probably eaten the eiffel tower by myself...Your first card is just stunning I love everything about it,the second one is as gorgeous love the image and papers and the third project is fab..You give all so much inspiration...
    Mandy xx

  29. Wow Brenda - love the pics - althought i like baking dont think i will be trying to create those lol
    great cards and i just love that little tin. Its gorgeous
    Lisa ;)

  30. three great pieces. Love the cards and the box is adorable x

  31. Hello Brenda - you have been a busy stamper! I love your MMSC card form the sultry colours to the gorgeous Bling - it is DIVINE! I am loving this!! Thanks for joining us at the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week - we appreciate your support! {{{hugs}}}
    Linda MMSC Design Team

  32. wonderful works !! thanks for joining in our challenge.
    hugs tina46

  33. Hi dear
    I have something for you on my blog!
    Big hugs

  34. Brenda some lovely creations from both you and the buffet table. I have to confess to be a choc a holic but even I think I would have struggled with all that chocolate!!! Hugs Nicola xx

  35. All is just fantastic creative work, love it, even the chocolate!! Hugs Nilla

  36. Gorgeous makes Brenda. I love the box.
    The chocolate looks fantastic.

    Nikki x

  37. Yummy chocolate - it looks fantastic! Brill projects...I especially love your gorgous box - great finnish! Cheers Claire x

  38. Pretty card. Just love the flowers.

  39. Hi Brenda, what a gorgeous card. Thanks for taking part in our 'rain' challenge over at stamp with fun this week. Hugs, Denise x

  40. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOW gorgeous creations and amazing details! thanks for joining us at pollycraft, those chocolate creations are amazing! Joey.x

  41. Brenda,
    Great take on this week's sketch! The Mind's Eye DP is just lovely as well as your fabulous image. Thanks so much for joining us for this week's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge, I hope you will come back and play along with us again next week!

  42. Brenda the Pandora's box is fab.The cards are gorgeous as well. Thanks playing along with TT this week.

  43. Hello Brenda.... i am sorry i havent come to visit you for ages... i adore this time and the tiny cards inside... beautiful work as usual.
    I hope you are keeping well and enjoying your crafting.
    Keep safe and take it easy love lynx

  44. How great is that floral image on your Midnight Madness card Brenda? You have done it so beautifully too! I love the bling centers and the coordinating buckles. Thank you so much for playing the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week! Your card is divine!

    Holly R. Moore
    MMDT - GD

  45. Wow, I really love those pretty neutral colours that you have used. What lovely flowers. Thanks for joining us at the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week
