
Thursday 16 September 2010

Slow going in craftland

Good Afternoon everyone.

This enforced resting thing continues.......grief it's so alien to me, but this battered body of mine is still yelling at me "not enough energy". If I need any more convincing it takes me half a day to make a card then I'm shattered and I've not really done anything. So still not blogging and visiting folks, just the essential DT comments and that's about it which means I really, really need to say such a very special thanks to those of your that have still bothered to visit me, despite my lethargy.

A couple of cards - a couple of days worth of effort, how sad is that I ask you.......if I was teaching class at this pace they would all need to sleep over to get everything completed at this rate.

The first one is a sample for good old Stampalot......they are coming Janice, honest they are......using another of the lovely new stamps Magenta 42067M floral silhouette stamped onto a background of Glimmer Mist lemon zest and pearl and Hero Arts S3516 silhouette grass stamped with Tim Holtz scattered straw. The strip across the top is stamped with Hero CG222 music, the DP is Crate, lots of distressed edges, ribbon, buttons and beads added to embellish. This card is for the following challenges:

Crafts and Me - Easel card
ABC - Distressing
Flutterby Wednesdays - Wings and buttons
Cute Card Thursday - Tweet and Flutter
Paper Sundaes - At least three embellishments

My second card used lots of Art Impression stamps, a background brayered with Big and Juicy waterfall and a masked crescent moon.......I thought it was time for a deviation from a full moon ! Some DP from stash, punched leaves, lots of glitter on the trees and snow and a rather soggy flower which got 'Daisy'd'......she's so helpful in the crafting department. So it's a bit flatter than when it started life, but with some glitter it looks OK'ish. This card is for the following challenges:

Christmas Cards - Christmas trees (mine are still growing)
Glitterbabes - Anything goes
For fun Challenges - Glitter it up


  1. Hiya Brenda. These are two beauties sweetie, and it doesnt matter how long it takes to make them.
    You must look after yourself Brenda, and fully recover from your illness. Crafting will still be waiting when you are good and ready to come back. Take care and look after your self. Speak again soon.
    With love, Sandra xx

  2. Hi Brenda,
    Two more beautiful cards,love the first one with the brown and yellow and the image is lovely..The second one is just stunning...It seems all of us in blogland are suffering from one thing or another..Hope you get your energy back real quick....Take care..
    Mandy xx

  3. Gorgeous cards,Brenda!Love the colours on the first one and beautiful flowers!
    Lovely Christmas card too!Wonderful image!
    Hope you feel better soon :)
    Take care.

    Hugs,Kari :)

  4. Sorry to hear you are unwell Brenda. You've done a marvellous job with that silhouette card, and your Christmas scene is just beautiful :D Thank you for joining us at Glitterbabes Challenge XXX

  5. I am loving that first card Brenda - my kinda colours . Its beautiful.
    Your body tells you what you need and it obviously needs more rest. So you have to do as it tells you lol- from a woman who never does as she is told !
    Lisa ;)

  6. oops forgot to say thank you for joining us at MAWTT this week with your xmas card
    Lisa ;)

  7. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the added beads to the first and the gorgeous colourways. I am so impressed with the brayering too, now I need that ink pad! Hope you are improving.

  8. These are wonderful cards! Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!

  9. oh brenda... i do hope you are feeling better soon. your cards are absolutely gorgeous!!! your easel card is just stunning and i'm loving that sky on your next card!

    thank you so much for joining us at glitterbabe's challene!

    hugs :)

  10. Awww sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly Brenda. It sounds like you need to listen to your body and get your rest up. As long as you are enjoying your crafting then it doesn't matter how long it takes - and these two cards are both gorgeous, well worth the time you spend on them :-)
    Claire xx

  11. Lovely cards no matter how long they took.

    Take care.

  12. Wow Breanda you may not have any energy but at least your creativity is still thereI

    Sorry you are still feeling ill and battered and hope you get up to full health soon x

    Sarah x

  13. Both cards are just fabulous Brenda, love the first one and the colours, and love the image on the second. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Babs x

  14. I just love these cards, Brenda - just concentrate on getting better, and doing what you can!

  15. These are gorgeous! So glad you joined us for this weeks Christmas Card challenge! Hope you feel better soon!

  16. Wow, Brenda! I love them both! The first is just gorgeous (That stamp might have to slip into my basket in October!) And I love the ribbons. The second is such a magical scene with the beautiful brayering, trees and deer. I know it's a drag, and I did hear you have an allergy to chairs, but rest up, my friend. We need you better!

  17. Hi Brenda, what a pair of beauties love them both but sooooooooooooo love the 1st one, but then I am a bit of a checked ribbon and black card girl. its brilliant.
    love the cresent moon on your second one and that stamp set might need to go in my basket another time. pleased you are still resting, keep thinking of you. hugs chris xx

  18. You keep resting B. You must look after yourself. Gorgeous shots of your doggies and two beautiful cards - therapy if ever i saw it. Keep strong and hugs coming your way. Cherry XXX

  19. Hi dear
    lovely both, but the second one, with the winter landscape is wonderful!!!
    Hope you'll get better soon...
    big hugs

  20. Beautiful cards! I especially love the scene with the glistening snow. Thanks so much for joining us at For Fun this week. "Hug" Carol

  21. Hi B

    Two fab cards i'm loving the black and gold coloured one the beads are such a lovely touch

    Emma xxx

  22. Lovely cards Brenda, especially the first elegant. Hope you will be feeling better soon. We get like this once we reach 21!!!!!!
    Love sarah x

  23. Well Brenda I can see by these two totally gorgeous creations, you haven't lost any of your mojo. You do the most beautiful scenes.
    Take care
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  24. 2 awesome creations Brenda!!!

  25. Hi Brenda, two more lovely cards. I especially like the first one and the use of the pearls. I'm sorry to hear that you're still feeling so poorly. Take it easy and it doesn't matter how long it takes to make a card the results are worth it. Linda x

  26. Two absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda. I had a little chuckle to myself when you said it'd taken you 2 days to make 2 cards - that's normal pace for me. Keep taking it easy!

    Love Lynda xxx

  27. Both these cards are just fabulous, I love the easle card, the colours are just perfect!


  28. Hi Brenda,
    Two more super cards. I love the layout of the first card and wintery scene on the second is brilliant.
    Hugs, Clare x

  29. Hi Brenda I love your easel card its a fab layout too. Thanks for joining us at Crafts and Me fort our challenge this week. luv gina xx

  30. I love this card. We would be honored if you would consider joining us for some of our challenges over at Papercraft Star... become a follower and enter our drawing while you are there!

  31. Hi,
    WOW these are super cards,love them both.
    Thanks for joining in with us on MAWTT this week

  32. Hi Brenda, wow two gorgeous card, I love the beads on the first one they look fabulous and your Art Impressions one is stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  33. I just love your Flutterby card! I'm fairly new at all this challenge stuff and haven't commented often but this card spoke to me...I wish it was mine :-)

  34. Fabulous cards as always Brenda - I am sensing some frustration .....take care big hugs Claire x

  35. poor Brenda, stay rested and hopefully you'll feel a bit better soon.
    Your 2 cards are as gorgeous as ever.
    thinking of you. janex

  36. Gorgeous cards Brenda. The colours in the first one with that great image and vintage style are all just adorable and the Christmas/winter card is also fabulous.
    I hope you feel lots better soon and thankyou for joining in with our Christmas challenge at MAWTT this week.
    Luv (the other) Brenda xxxx

  37. Brenda these cards are gorgeous. Loving the colour combination for the first card. The image for the second is great too. I think I need to get started on my christmas cards. Hugs Nicola xx

  38. Both of these cards are just gorgeous hun, I just love the second one & all the glitter great!
    Thanks for joining us this week at MAWTT!
    Hugs Shell xx

  39. Well, it may have taken you a while, but these cards are stunning. Love the black and lemon one - the flowers with those little beads , look stunning.
    Hope you are soon feeling better.
    Caroline xxxx

  40. Love your cards - they are so elegant

  41. Oh Brenda, you still create stunning cards when you are not well. How could we stop visiting. Wishing you a speedier recovery.

  42. Such beautiful cards - I love that easel card! Thanks for playing with us at Flutter By Wednesday!!

  43. Beautiful card, thanks for joining us this week over at MAWTT, good luck! Heidi x

  44. Hi Ya, i love these tooo. Fabby cards. melxxx

  45. love the scene you created for the wee deer! Thanks for joining us at MAWTT! x

  46. Gorgeous cards - nice work! :) I expecially like the yellow and black one - stunning! :)


  47. Fabulous card. Thanks for playing along with the ABC challenge. Hugs Ali x

  48. Gorgeous cards Brenda, so sorry you are feeling yuck. Rest is so important, make sure you're getting plenty xxx

  49. Such a beautiful card! Thanks so much for sharing with us at For Fun Challenges!

  50. gorgeous cards! That first one is just too amazing for words! Love everything about it! Hugs Juls

  51. Fabulous cards! I love the scene on the second one.
    Thank you for joining us at CCT this week! :)

  52. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the tiny pearl details :)

    Thank You for playing at Crafts & Me challenge x
