
Friday 6 August 2010

Dancing horses

One of the famous horses and a couple of well fit trainers !

This is your last clue folks as we will be at sea now until we dock back at Southampton. We are at the region of the Dancing Horses of Jerez and the City that gives it's name to one of our favourite marmalade's.......oranges that is with two 'L's in the middle.

It's Kerry's turn to set the theme at Polkadoodles this week and she has given us a really great sketch to work with.

Hope you don't mind Stacey, but I have twisted your sketch a bit as Rudolph turned out a bit larger than I expected. All the elements are from Paper Boutique Christmas, Rudolph has been decoupaged, his hat is glittered and the snowflakes made using a Martha Stewart punch. The NOEL sentiment is from the same CD.

I will be sorting the candy winners when I am back home and will post all the details as soon as I can on or after 9th August. Watch this space.................


  1. Woohoo...I got to answer a clue first. Hope I get it right now. Could you be visiting Seville? The photo of the horse above is amazing....just like your card. You certainly were busy before you left with all these posts and creations. Happy sailing.

  2. Royal Riding School Jerez, Seville

  3. That would be Royal Riding School Jerez, Seville.
    Hope you had great time there!

    Card is so sweet!

  4. I know this one, the marmalade clue gave it away, Seville!
    What a fun card Brenda, love the reindeer's eyelashes xxx

  5. That must be Seville or Sevilla. I hope you had a wonderful vacation!

  6. NOw brenda... whi is going to keep up my geography lessons ?? I have learnt more in these 2 weeks than i ever did at school lol..
    I know you are in SEVILLE ( or were lol) .. Hope ou have had a fab holiday and are coming back refreshed and inspired..
    Love this little xmas card - Rudolph is soo cute
    Safe journey home
    Lisa ;)

  7. I thing that you are in Seville visiting The Royal Riding School Jerez.
    I love your reindeer card - so cute!

  8. It must be Sevilla in the south of Spain!!

    Hope you enjoy your trip! I envy you that you are able to see all those beautiful places...


  9. Seville! What a wonderful journey you've had, Brenda. It's been fun following you to all the different places.

    Your Rudolph is cute. Almost enough to get me thinking of Christmas. But not quite! xx

  10. Ooh Brenda, you're in Seville. Lovely city. Hugs xx

  11. You, luckly girl, are in Seville.

    I love Rudolph's eyelashes :)

  12. It sounds like you've had a fantastic trip rounding things off in Seville, Brenda. Mmmm I can just taste that Marmalade!!
    Hugs Lisax

  13. You are in Seville
    I'm so glad you have did this it has been lots of fun to join in with. Thankyou.
    Anne x

  14. You are in Seville! Wow! what a lot of places you visited on this cruise! It was nice going along for the ride!

  15. Seville today. I can't believe how many gorgeous places you've been to on this wonderful trip!

  16. ...this was more difficult!! I had to check but in the end i found it!! You are in Seville today!! I hope you enjoyed your trip...for me it has been an amazing game!! :D


  17. You are in Seville.

    Love the Rudolph card :)

  18. Hi Brenda! good we are at the end of this beautiful journey! this city is Jerez in Spain!
    I also wanted to tell you that your card was very nice! very sweet!
    And thanks for sharing such beautiful places, I learned !!!!! safe journey home!

  19. very cool! awesome christmas card too!

  20. You are in Jerez (Andaluci)! spend a few beautiful days!
    Beautiful card!!!

  21. Good job I like Marmalade, didn't need to google it to know it's Seville. Have a safe journey home.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. gorgeous card, hope you enjoyed Seville!

  23. Thanks Brenda!! My horse mad daughter is booting me off the PC to look at you tube videos of the Royal Horses of Jerez haha and is asking me when can we go to Seville whwer you are today!!

    Have a safe journey home and look forward to hearing your travel tales ;-)

    Loving Rudolph by the way!

    Sarah x

  24. You are in Seville.....last year we were there for 3 days and we loved that city!
    xxx Margreet

  25. Hi Brenda,
    sounds like a really nice journey you've made, and today it's Sevilla/Seville.
    Like you're cute rudolph - i really enjoy making Christmas cards in summer!
    Hugs Sandra

  26. hi brenda
    sei alla Royal Riding School Jerez, Seville
    la tua card รจ meravigliosa
    saluti dall'italia

  27. Your Rudolph is amazing Brenda - I LOVE him! A fabulous card!

    Love Lynda xxx

  28. Seville! What amazing trainers and horse B. Hope you are having a grand day with all the oranges. Hugs Cherry XXX

  29. Forgeot to say - love Rudolph too - just so cute. Cherry XXX

  30. So pretty! Seville another great stop!

  31. You are in Seville.....
    Beautiful card .. I also need to get my last minute not to

  32. Card is so sweet!
    That would be Royal Riding School Jerez, Seville.
    Hope you had great time there!

  33. The answer is Seville. I hope you have had a wonderful vacation. I have had fun guessing were all you have been!


  34. That must be Sevilla. Have a safe trip home!

  35. hi Brenda - this has been so wonderful - what great places to visit and fabby pictures - can you bring me back one of those trainers please? Promise I will give him a good home!! xxx

  36. Ooo lucky you visiting Seville! It's on my wish list!

    Fab card today! Even if it is a bit early for Christmas lol!

    Have a safe journey home.

    Lesley x

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. You are in Seville. I love Rudolph's BIG red nose. This has been so much fun! Thank you for thinking out of the box.

  39. Hi Brenda, I hope you've had a good day in Seville and have a safe journey home. I've really enjoyed seeing all the fab places you've visited as well as the beautiful cards. It must have take you ages to organise all this, thanks so much
    claire xx

  40. Oh, I think you are in Seville!!! I've never been there but it must be wonderful!!!

  41. Hi Brenda, I also think you are in Seville!

    Lisa x

    PS: I love your card - so cute! x

  42. You're in Seville!! Enjoy!! =)
    Love love love the card!!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  43. Hi Brenda, I know this one, it's Seville, not that I've been there but I love Marmalade on my toast! I love the Christmas card - especially Rudolp's nose lol. Enjoy the sail back to Southampton - and a safe journey home. Linda x

  44. Enjoy the last leg of your trip, Brenda. It has been great having a glimse of the places you have visited. You are so right - Seville oranges make delish marmalade.
    Love the card :-)

  45. wow I love those horses I saw some on TV once & would really love to watch a show, how was Seville by the way? Love your christmas card, JT

  46. Have loved your trip Brenda! Your last stop would have been in Seville, the Andalucian capital! (I swallowed wikipedia! lol!)

    I can tell you lots about your next city, Southampton, if you want!!

    Rudolph is fab, what a fun card and what a cool dude with guyscara on!

    Keryn x

  47. My goodness, what a fantastic picture of the beautiful horse! (May I recommend a book, 'Airs Above The Ground' by Mary Stewart? It's a romance/thriller which includes the Lipizzaner horses, and even though it's quite an old book, it's excellent!!)

    I hope you've had a fantastic time!

    luv, Mags x

  48. well, i am really having a geography lesson! so you are in Seville!

  49. Seville! I've always wanted to see the Lipizzaner stallions being trained. I was lucky enough to see them perform once. Absolutely incredible. Oh yes, the trainers don't look bad either! HA. Rudolph is looking in his prime on your card. Thanks for taking us with you on your vacation, it's been fun.

  50. You're in Seville. I just love that card. He just looks so sweet!

  51. Hi Brenda

    I have really enjoyed sharing your trip and hope you had fun too. The last stop would have to be Seville.
    Great card - had my kids making christmas cards with this CD yesterday - very messy!!

    Hugs Ali x

  52. Ohh, I wish I was there beside you to see the beautiful horses in Seville
    Hugs Lina

  53. Just quickly come on to say the answer , Seville :)
    your card is beautiful too!
    Now I must sleep!
