
Saturday 21 August 2010

All the little things

Good Morning everyone, hope you are all well and ready for the weekend.

Before I move on to the new Allsorts challenge, a couple of quick reminders if you are a Penny Black addict:

The new Penny Black Christmas releases, some of which I shared in my last post are now on line at Sir Stampalot........check out the 'what's new' section. And there is lots of inspiration using the new releases (and some of my work which mega excited me) on their blog and their web site.

We are still looking for new DT members at Penny Black at Allsorts so pop over if you are interested in joining us.

Now the challenge where the lovely Amanda has set us a real challenge this week which is to create a project less than 3 inches square. I'll be honest and say I pondered over this one for ages until I was sorting one of craft cupboards and came across a pack of tiny canvasses my hubby bought for me ages ago.

They are tiny as well and actually slightly less than three inches in size, but it was a challenge I really enjoyed. Hubby had already covered them with gessoe for me, so I loaded one with Tim Holtz distress inks scattered straw, worn lipstick and shabby shutters, the splodges on alcohol ink in raspberry and meadow, then spritzed it all with Glimmer Mist iridescent gold to make the colours bleed.

I then stamped with a mixture of Lavinia and Art Impression stamps including the teeny tiny fairy using versafine black, liberal helpings of glitter and pearls, punched butterflies and a computer generated sentiment.

I am entering my canvas in the following challenges:

Stamping for the Weekend - Anything goes
Glitterbabes - sparkle, glitter and two flowers
Crafty Creations - Butterflies

Nest my card for this weeks Polkadoodles where my teamie Fliss has chosen the them Vintage. I don't know why, but Christmas door wreaths always make me think Victorian, so this was an obvious choice for me using one of the the new Christmas Doodle stamps along with Paper from Christmas Paper Boutique CD. The easel card was made using a Marianne circle stencil cut through the Big Shot.

There is still time to enter our colouring competition, so if you love your colouring and want to win a fantastic set of the new AquaMarkers from Letraset worth £79.99, then check it out over at the Polkadoodles challenge blog where you can find out how to enter. Closing date for entries is 31st August 2010.


  1. Hi Brenda! I'm loving your blog.
    Sue x

  2. That canvas is superb and just the prettiest and enchanting creation. Love your vintage take easel card, works really well and will make a beautiful xmas card.
    Hope your feeling some improvement Brenda, and you weekend goes well.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  3. Gorgeous canvas Brenda and a truly beautiful vintage card too.
    Thanks so much for making such a lovely creation for my challenge.
    Hope you're feeling a bit better and that you have a good weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xxx

  4. I love the mini canvas Brenda, the colours are so sparkly and gorgeous...Beautiful
    And your easel shape is lovely, gonna have to save some pennies again me

    like the girls above said, hope your on the mend

  5. Hi Brenda. Another fabulous creation. Absolutely gorgeous. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  6. Hi Brenda hope things are a lot easier for you now.
    Your canvas is just amazing i love it, and what a gorgeous easel card,and congratulations for having your cards shown on the Penny Black site how wonderful.
    Babs x

  7. ooh i love that little mini,.. the lavinia stamps work so well. Did you know ovwr at Moving laong with the times our theme is all that glitters?
    Hope the little doggies are well
    Lisa ;)

  8. Lovely to see your beautiful work at Crafty Creations Challenge! Thanks for joining us and good luck!

    Greetings, Saskia
    (guest designer)

  9. I just love that canvas, it's adorable. Love the images on it.

  10. Two beautiful and very pretty creations Brenda - love the shape of the card.

    Love Lynda xxx

  11. Your canvas is lovely. I must try and find my blank ones! And I love the Polkadoodles card too x

  12. Love your canvas it maybe small, it is also mighty great bold colours and images fabulous. Am also thinking of small canvas 3" is an interesting size. xx Zoe

  13. Hi Brenda

    I have just spent an age getting lost in the mystical magic of your canvas, I just love it, the colours, the sparkle and bling are perfect!

    Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog yesterday, my Mother in Law is on her road to recovery now!

    Sarah x

  14. that is one very glittery - and super stunning card! love it. your easel card is just as gorgeous!!!!

    thank you so much for joining us at glitterbabe's challenge!

    hugs :)

  15. your canvas is stunning B, I wish I could do all that playing with ink etc, I just can't seem to do it justice, ah well stick to what you know eh lol

    love the wreath card too hun


    Amanda xx

  16. I dear
    what a nice shaped easel card you made!! Lovey colours... and lovely canvas as well, I like so much che sparkling effects!!

  17. Hi Brenda!!
    Adorable altered canvas you made!!!! Lost of work put into it!! Me like!!!
    The chrismas card is super sweet makes me long for the hollidays....

    Many many haugs Lina

  18. Wow! I love both your pieces, but that sparkly fairy piece really hits the spot!!! Thank you for playing along at Glitterbabes Challenge :D XXX

  19. Hi Brenda, hope you are having good and are feeling better.
    I really love your mini canvas, well it has fairies and lots of glitter so it's just up my street. The easel card is beautiful, will have to check out this die.

  20. Wow, this is sparkely and gorgeous. Thanks for playing at Crafty Creations Challenge!

  21. Oh I love all the glitter and sparkle of your card! Lovely! Thanks for playing a long with us at Crafty Creations!

  22. Hi Brenda, just had a lovely catch up with a few of your posts. I've seen some lovely creations not least the 2 in this post. I just can't say whether I like the mini one or the easel card best. They're both just lovely.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Kat x

  23. Oh wow Brenda these are gorgeous I love them both I hope you are feeling a little better now.
    Lorraine x

  24. Gorgeous, gorgeous canvas, Brenda - love the colours you used and the images are so pretty. Beautiful piece of work.

  25. Stunning canvas and I love your easel card too. Off to think of something small I can make!

  26. Oh I love all the glitter and shimmer on your canvas and the christmas wreath card is perfect. Have a great day Brenda.

  27. Beautiful card! I love all the sparkly. Thank you for joining us at Glitterbabe's Challenge.


  28. oh wow hun you really have rocked with this it really is one stunning design,hun hugs cheyrl xxxx

  29. these are both fantastic!

    WOW the silhouette on the first with all the color and bling and sparkle, WOW!

    and the 2nd christmas one is brillaint

  30. Hi Brenda, wow two fabulous cards they are both absolutely gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  31. Hi Brenda, Ah these are lovely thanks so much for joining in with us this week on MAWTT Love Hazelxo

  32. Stunning and more stunning Brenda, I am always amazed by your talent.

  33. Wow what a bright 'glittery' creation. Love the colours and layout. Thanks for joining in our challenge over at MAWTT this week, good luck! hugs Heidi (DT) xxx

  34. Beautiful card. Love the fairy and all the glittering.
    Thanks for joining us at SFTW.

  35. Wonderful canvas Brenda. Just love the colours and image. all those gorgeous Christmas cards are stunning too. Hope the four pawed babies are behaving. I have left a little gift for you on my blog if you get a chance to stop by. Hugs Cherry XXX

  36. Wow Brenda what beautiful work, I love what you do with inks and stamps x

  37. gorgeous creations! love your "little things" magical and full of sparkle! Hugs Juls

  38. You are making magical cards with those fairy stamps!
    I just adore them!

  39. Wow, love that canvas all shimmery and ethereal.
    Glad you could join us for the glitter challenge at MAWTT this week. Hope to see your designs with us again soon.
    Luv (another) Brenda xxxx
