
Sunday 4 July 2010

Meet Daisy..............

Daisy aged 12 days old

Good Morning peeps, nothing crafty to share today although I did do a bit of crafting yesterday for some exciting new Polkadoodle products being launched later this month.......can't show yet, but they are scrummy I can tell you.

I may not be around a lot this week as they are talking about giving me a bone graft, so I will have to play things by ear. Don't much like the sound of it, but as my immune system is shot due to the combo of MS and Diabetes, I don't heal and they say it's the best way to deal with things. Of course I might get a nice surprise and it sorts everything out, the pain will go away and I will feel like crafting for England again.

So instead of crafty pictures, here is one of a young lady taken yesterday. She is twelve days old and is going to be called Daisy. She will be coming to live with us about 16th August and we are all mega excited.......another original Andrex puppy to add to the four legged gang that already own the household........I will share more photos next week after we have visited here and her eight brothers and sisters. By then their eyes should be open and they will be more mobile, at the moment it's all pretty wobbly stuff and they don't move far from Mum.

And don't forget the brand new Penny Black at Allsorts challenge where you can win some great prizes just be entering a card with a Summer theme.


  1. Hope all goes well and you can have a crafting bonanza, Daisy is absolutely adorable!!!

  2. awww sweet puppy! hope shes brings lots of joy!

    sorry to hear you've not been well, I hope it doesnt come to a bone graft, sounds painful!

    Take Care Hun!

  3. Daisy is just adorable, lucky you!

  4. Ooh, so sweet!! Hope you get yourself sorted out soon without what doesn't sound very nice treatment!!

  5. Hi Brenda, Daisy is so adorable! Sorry to hear about the bone graft but if it improves things for you then it will be worth it.

    Lisa x

  6. such a sweet adorable puppy!!!
    Good luck with waiting.. I know it feels like you have to wait for ever :)

    Hopefully you will have some good sleep before she comes, because when she is home, you will be very busy (our pup is 4 months now... )


  7. Dasiy is soooooo cute and sooooo small is she really going to grow into a big girl?!!!

    Sending positive thoughts to you and for you this week whatever treatment is decided we can only trust that it results in relief for you. (((Hugs))) xx Zoe

  8. Daisy is just adorable and oh so cute!

    Off to start me summer themed card now!

    Sarah x

  9. She`s so adorable!!
    I hope things work out for you!
    Have a lovely day :o)

    Hugs,Kari :)

  10. aww, isn't she the sweetest!

  11. oh hun daisy is just adorable so super cute,all the best hun with whatever they do,my thoughts are with you take it easy and please take care love hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  12. Brenda i really do hope this turn out good for you.
    Daisy will fetch you so much love & enjoyment, she looks adorable
    Babs x

  13. Oh Brenda, how cute, what a gorgeous puppy - I am seriously going to come and visit you soon!! Will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope everything goes well with whatever they decide to do to you. Hugs xx

  14. Brenda Daisy is adorable! I hope you get sorted out and its not too harrowing for you. Sending you get well hugs.

  15. Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time healthwise Brenda, I hope you get it sorted soon. Daisy is gorgeous!!!

    Jill x

  16. Oh wow! I'm so envious... she's adorable and I can almost smell that delicious puppy breath as I look at her. What a little treasure.

    Hope all goes well and they're able to 'fix you up' so that you feel much, MUCH better and, more importantly, are able to craft again!

  17. Hope all goes well. My prayers and reiki are with you. hugs, eileen

  18. Hope the gorgeous Daisy helps to take your mind off your troubles, and that whatever they decide to do to you does the trick as speedily and as painlessly as possible.

    Hugs, Lynne xx

  19. she is just the cutest- how adorable

  20. Brenda - I hope whatever the decision things get better for you soon - Daisy is bound to give anyone good vibes - she is gorgeous! Cheers Claire x

  21. B. sorry to hear everything not totally sorted yet, will have my fingers crossed that everything goes ok.
    As for Daisy, she's adorable. something for you to look forward to.
    Take care Hugs Fleur xXx

  22. Oh Brenda, she is gorgeous! I hope the treatment works and you are on the mend soon, hun. You really do deserve a break. I will be thinking of you x

  23. Awwww what a cutie and love the name, sorry to hear your still not well hope everything gets sorted for you soon.
    Big hugs Louise xx

  24. She is gorgeous and has the same name as my Mum's little dog.

    Hope you get your graft and that all goes well. Take care xx

  25. Hope if you have to have this treatment it helps you and is not too unpleasant.

    Daisy is just adorable! I love Labradors. We have a choccie but she is 10 now and her lifelong companion a 14 and a half year old Cocker called Lucy had to go to sleep in May. She really misses Lucy but I just worry she'd resent a puppy. She loves seeing my daughter's Lab but that's not very often and she's an adult dog. After so many years with 2 dogs it's weird to have only one!

    Take care,

    Kat x

  26. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you are still suffering so much I do so hope they find a solution for you soon and that this operation will do the trick.
    Well what a little cutie Im not surprised shes becoming more of interest than crafting shes gorgeous and will need lots of love and cuddles. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  27. Hi Brenda, I'm sorry to hear that you're not too good at the moment - I hope they can sort things out for you. What a gorgeous little bundle you have there - can see she will be spoilt just a tad. I lost one of my Retrievers last month - seeing this photo reminds me of her when she was a pup. Anyway I hope you have many years of love and fun with her. Take care - Linda x

  28. Hope all goes well whichever path your health takes you.

    Daisy is just adorable! Look forward to seeing more of her in the future!

    Keryn x

  29. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Brenda Daisy is beautiful oh my I want one or maybe two or three lol.....nah not at the moment my little JR would never forgive me lol. I am praying that the bone graft works and leaves you relatively pain free, you are one strong lady Brenda I admire you so much.
    Lorraine x

  30. Awwww doesn't she just melt your heart, she's gorgeous Brenda. Saying a prayer for you love and hoping all goes well with the bone graft, and it sorts the problem.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  31. Oh Brenda she is sooo cute. These retrievers know how to make us go soft, even when they are so young.
    Sorry to hear that you are so low, so hope all goes well with the bone graft this week. Hugs. Rosie x

  32. Oh Brenda, take care and big hugs are sent your way. This puppy is too cute and sure to be lots of fun for your household when she arrives.

  33. Brenda really sorry you are going through the mill at the moment. Let's just hope that this will make you feel better.
    As for Daisy, so cute!!

  34. Hi Brenda
    Hope what ever you have to have done helps to sort out the problem,big get well wishes....And Daisy is soo adorable I know she will bring lots of love and joy to you and your family...I support the Blue Cross a lot and I just wishes I had the room to give a home to more dogs,I so envy you....
    Mandy xx

  35. Oh Dear, Diasy is so sweet... she looks so lovely!! :)
    I hope youìll get well very soon, and I wish you all my love and nice toughts!!! :)
    a big big hug

  36. Aw Daisy is just too cute. Hope everything goes well with you


  37. Hi Brenda, everything crossed for you.How cute is Daisy, start crossing those days off!
    Love Clarex

  38. What a gorgeous little bundle! Look forward to more pix.

    I would love to hear that you don't need the graft but if you do I will be keeping everything crossed that it's just the ticket to better health and less pain.

    Lesley Xx

  39. Hi there Brenda hope things improve for you soon on the health front. Daisy is so cute can't wait to see more of her. Love the gorgeous card too.
    Good luck and take care,
    Hugs, Pat xx

  40. Little Daisy is adorable, Brenda. What a lucky girl she is coming to live with you and your brood.
    Sorry to hear you're still suffering. Hope things get sorted really soon.
    Sending you big hugs

  41. Oh Brenda...I hope you´ll be well soon...bone graft, it souns so serious.Oahhaa, I edmire you for beeing so strong and possitive.Keep it up girl!! I pray you get well soon! I´m soo affraid of doctors, need to stay healthy!

    Daisy Daisy Daisy..isn´t she the cutest ever..I´ll bet you can´t wait til August! She is adorable Branda!!

    Please gety well soon
    Many many hugs Lina

  42. Awwwww Brenda I hope everything goes well for you and it will be worth it if you can get rid of the pain - keeping everything crossed for you and sending ((((hugs)))) too! Try and focus on August when you get that lovely little bundle of joy. She's a little beauty!

    Love Lynda xxx

  43. Brenda, I hope everything goes well and gets sorted out soon.
    Daisy is gorgeous.

    Nikki x

  44. You are in my thoughts and prayers Brenda!!
    And HELLO Daisy! What a little sweetie!!

  45. Ahhh what a cutie, she's gorgeous, I hope your treatment goes well and your sorted soon, thanks for your lovely comments, hugs Liz xx

  46. oh no Brenda that sounds dreadful 'hug'... how gorgeous is your puppy
    Mina xxx
