
Saturday 22 May 2010

Poppies and flutterbys

Over at Allsorts Helene has set our new challenge and would like to see a tag or label on our artwork.

But before I tell you about my artwork for this week, I need to annouce that the winner of my part of our Birthday blog hop is Keryn. I am so pleased for you Keryn please mail me so I can get you prize off to you. Do go pay her a visit and see her adorable Jack Russel's and her great work of course.

I've gone all pink and Hero for my card using one of the shadow stamps that I so love working with. This one is Hero Arts CO140 Poppy Background. First I stamped a piece of dusky pink cardstock all over with the butterfly plate from Hero Arts CG300 using Tim Holtz worn lipstick - if I am going to bleach I usually stick to the TH inks because they always bleach out fine, whereas some inks can be a bit iffy and fade but won't bleach out completely. Of course it depends of the cardstock and it's always worth having a little test run first.

I then stamped the poppy stamp over the butterflies using versamark and heat embossing with detail clear, then bleaching out the flowers. I like this technique as it gives a subtle image through the embossed solid elements of the stamped image.

I used the same butterfly plate to stamp the card itself again with versamark and detail clear embossing powder to achieve a subtle finish. The border is Martha Stewart embossed butterflies and the sentiment on the tag is from a Rubber Tapestry set, no code though I'm afraid.


  1. like that technique, never tried it myself though

  2. beautiful Brenda , I love the flowers

  3. Really pretty monocromatic card Brenda!! As i love butterflies this is a card of my liking!!!

    Wishing you a great day
    Hugs Lina

  4. This is stunning Brenda. I'm going to have to stop visiting your blog because you always make me want to buy more stamps! (only joking of course).
    Have a great weekend, although I am sure it is going to be a busy one for you.
    Clare x

  5. I love your technique, and your creation is beautiful. Have a good weekend
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  6. Lovely card Brenda, what a gorgeous colour, and well done to Keryn for the win!

  7. Hi Brenda,
    Thankyou for all your lovely comments on my blog, I have started following yours now a I love your crafting style and this card is no exception.
    Just beautiful work, thanks for sharing it with us :)
    Katie xx

  8. OH WOW! I love the rich colour, looks awesome!

  9. Beautiful card Brenda, I love your colourway, its so warm and girly!

    Well, Ive re-read your post a few times and my name still seems to come up! I just had to check!

    Keryn x

  10. Beautiful, beautiful card Brenda. Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. Up to my knees in a a 4 year old and then moving my craft space from one room to another to have it painted and the flooring replaced. I love everything you do! Hope all is well. hugs, eileen

  11. Awww this card is so elegant, those butterflies are so cute and thank you so much for all the detailed explanation xxx

  12. HI dear
    gorgeous card!!! I love the poppy flowers... I have to try to do something like that... thanks so much for all the inspiration... :)

  13. Wow this is absolutely beautiful, I love everything about it xxx

  14. Wow, this is such a great card. I love the poppies. TFS.

  15. It's fabulous Brenda. Your background to that wonderful stamp is perfect and the bleaching makes the flowers really pop.
    Beryl xx

  16. Stunning! It's a gorgeous card. Love the double stamping on the poppies.

  17. Beautiful card Brenda, I love that Poppy stamp and what you have done with it.

    Jill x

  18. Love this, poppies are my favourite flowers :o)
    Jenni x

  19. oh wow hunny this is just beautiful love that poppie,fab detail as always hugs cheryl xxxx

  20. This is gorgeous Brenda. I love poppies and this is a beautiful image.

    Kat x

  21. Very pretty your cards never stop amazing me Brenda, you are so creative.
    louise xx

  22. Oh this is just perfect Brenda I love those little butterflies bp and those poppies are wonderful I must go have a look at this stamp

    Lorraine x

  23. Beautiful card Brenda - i love the main image and that background butterfly paper. Wonderful colours
    Lisa ;)

  24. That's lovely. I've been toying with the idea of buying that stamp so it's nice to see it being used. I'm also after the flower you used on the birthday fun post....can I please ask where you got it?
