
Wednesday 12 May 2010

Jack and Jill went up the hill

Where's this week going ? All those jobs I was going to do 'tomorrow' remain undone and suddenly the wedding is the week after next......scary or what when I think what's to be done, not least wearing in my new shoes that still sit in the box.

But that's the least of our problems.........the Matron of Honours dress is somewhere between here and Paris where she lives. She came over for fittings twice and as there is already so much to take over for the wedding including the four girls bridesmaid dresses, they said they would send hers on when the final adjustments were made. Initially they said it was delayed because of the Volcanic Cloud.....lame excuse it seems because now they have no idea where it is other than "in France". So panic is just beginning to set on as her dress and the other four have been made in identical material so no way we could match it up at this late stage. Another call to the dressmaker shortly as she promised faithfully to track it down today.

Crafting, well just a bit and a card for some challenges. ABC challenge who are up to "U for Unused Stash - a stamp that I 'had' to have when I saw it forever ago and never inked it up, Cupcake challenge who want to see "Buttons", Tuesday Taggers who want us to go "Outside the Comfort Zone" I said in my last post working with circles is something I avoid like the plague. And I have followed the sketch from Creative Card Crew for the layout of my easel card. And finally The Crafty Pad would like us to "Give it a Punch".

The stamp is from Stampabilities KR1042 Jack and Jill which I stamped with versafine black and embossed with detail clear and coloured with Prismacolor pencils and Marvy pens. The plain circles is cut with a Nestie thorough the Big Shot and the scalloped one is a Marianne stencil. The gorgeous double sided Crate Paper DP is one of the new designs and the middle panel of the front of the card is a plain piece of linen card embossed with Swiss Dots folder then lightly inked with a chalk eye pad. The border and corners are Martha Stewart are doily lace trim, the largest flower yet another of the new ones from Magnolia and a couple of smaller ones from my stash. And finally tiny buttons across the bottom border strip.


  1. Brenda this is so lovely, from the colours of the papers to those little butterflies flying across the bottom of the card.
    Hope the missing dress is sorted today.
    Rosie x

  2. Beautiful card, lovely colours, papers and flowers. Hope the dress has been tracked down. Thanks for joining in at The Crafty Pad.

    Pat xx

  3. Hi Brenda,
    Were have all the crafters gone....don't you think it's pretty quiet out there, I wonder if it's the nice weather we have been getting lately.

    Lovely card...I really like how you added the buttons and Butterflies, the flowers are gorgeous too, they stand out so well on the paper.

    I hope everything get's sorted for the fast aproaching wedding, I bet it's a really stressful time for you all at the moment.

    You asked if I decided on the stencil in the kitchen, well I decided to leave it plain for now, not really sure what to use so thought best leave well alone, you wouldn't believe how many coat's of paint it took to paint over the birds, TH wouldn't go
    And Pete did tell me, my craft life is more than enough in the conservatory...and he was not ready for me to start adding it to the rest of the
    The best thing was Brenda, he never noticed the birds till I pointed them out, I told you my Men are blind when it comes to the

    speak to you soon

  4. Hi Brenda, this is gorgeous, the colours are fab, and what a great image. Love it. Hope you ok.
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  5. Hi Brenda,
    I hope the dress turns up very soon. Doesn't time fly when somthing important is happening.
    Your card is stunning! I love all the brilliant detail.
    Clare x

  6. Stunning card Brenda. The image is fabulous and coloured so beautifully and the colour combo is wonderful. Think I may have to use these colours
    Hope the dress problem is soon sorted, you must be a nervous wreck. I'm sure all will be well for the big day.
    Pat xx

  7. hi B
    love your jack and jill stamp not see that one before,love how you have coloured it with your good ole prismas, arnt they great.
    hope to seee you soon love chris xx

  8. What a beautiful card, love the colours and the image is adorable. Beautiful details too. :) Hugs Hanna

  9. Well if you did'nt tell us we would never know, had not thought about it before realise now circles have been a bit absent. Card is everybit as lovely as all your cards. hope the missing dress turns up in time bit of time yet but best get those shoes on it'll be a very long day if they pinch. Thanks for stretcing with us at TT this week. (((Hugs)))

  10. Hi Brenda, fabulous card, love that vintage image to, and the papers are gorgeous. I hope that things start to come together and nothing goes wrong for the Wedding in a couple of weeks time. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  11. What a cute little image to have stashed away, don't know why you don't do circles, this is just lovely. Crikey hope that dress turns up, or all hell with break loose! Keep calm and get those shoes on.

  12. Your card is gorgeous Brenda, I love the stamps. Such a pretty scene!

  13. Beautiful card Brenday - great layout and fabulous image. :)

    Thanks for joining us at the crafty pad and good luck. :)

    xxDebbie CPSdesigns

  14. oh wow Brenda - love the card ,especially the scalloped circle.I love the pink and green and the image is delightful,reminds me of books when i was young.
    I hope the wedding plans all come together i am sure they will - what a gerat wedding without a little bit of stress lol!
    Hope you have those shoes on now as i type !
    Lisa ;)

  15. Beautiful card! I love your circles and that colour scheme is gorgeous too! Hope the dress arrives at the right place soon! Good luck with the remaining preparations x

  16. Brenda this card is gorgeous. I would never think you not confi working with circles.
    I cross my fingers for the dress lol hope to see some pic
    Thx stepping out of yr confort zone

  17. What a beautiful how you have offset the circle with Jack and Jill. I hope that dress is found quickly for you.

  18. Your card is enchanting, Brenda. With a perfect circle! (You should do more circles!) I hope the missing dress turns up quickly, and that everything goes well for the wedding. x

  19. oh this is really beautiful hun so love the iamge and once again your attention to detail just spot on hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  20. Oh that's just what you don't need! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they find the MOH's dress and get it to you ASAP! It will still be a beautiful day and this will make a great story in a couple of years! Honest!

  21. Hi Brenda,
    This is beautiful from the papers,layout and the image..I love it..Hope you got the missing dress sorted out...
    Mandy xx

  22. Magic once again Brenda! The image is so beautifully colored and the butterflies...lovelly!!

    I really hope the dress and everything gets to you in time and that you can enjoy the preparations instead of beeing stressed. Remember to breath ...and maby have a plan B!!!
    In a few years this will be a memorie to share and talk about, but the main thing is to enjoy the big day!!
    Many hugs to you Brenda wish I could pitch in and lend a hand to you with all the preparations!!

  23. Hi Brenda, your card is so cute, love all the red... fabulous work...alway. HUGS

  24. Wow this is gorgeous, beautiful colours xxx

  25. awesome image, and great card, love your embellies and papers, you always rock your cards and challenges!

  26. A gorgous card, Brenda. I love that trail of butterflies.
    A Wedding wouldn't be a Wedding wthout some sort of drama would it. I really hope her dress turns up, I'm sure it will. I can't believe it's nearly here, I remember you talking about it months ago, where does time fly too!!

  27. Not sure how I have managed to miss so many gorgeous cards again! The image of Jack and Jill is adorable and I love how you have framed it!
    There definitely is something to be said for honesty when you misplace something.....hope the dress turns up and I can't wait to see some photos! Cheers Claire x

  28. Great work, I love the design. Thanks for joining us at CCC.

    Liza x

  29. this is very pretty
    you have made a beautiful card


  30. Hi Brenda, a beautiful card, lovely image, gorgeous papers & layout, sue,x

  31. Hi Brenda, this is just so so adorable. Love the image, DP's and the design. Gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Pad this week. Hugs Suzi x

  32. Gorgeous card Brenda, love that image, it looks vintage. Start wearing those shoes girl, otherwise you will suffer - this is the voice of experience speaking,
    big hugs
    En xx

  33. this is such a sweet card and I love the Jack and Jill image. enjoy your weekend,
    hugs, annie x

  34. For someone who hates circles Brenda, you sure make a good job of them. This is a gorgeous card.

    Lesley Xx

  35. A lovely card and A fantastic entry for Tuesday Taggers, thanks for playing along.
    x Michelle
