
Tuesday 13 April 2010

A misspent childhood

A semblance of normality is returning and I have even managed a bit of crafting............the shingles in the derriere..........I mean literally.........are hampering things a bit so sitting in short burst, but I've had an overdose of C&C and bursting with ideas I have to get onto paper. Apart from that all patients are progressing nicely.

This week the new 'Fairy Flutterfly' stamps landed from Nikky at Polkadoodles. I have to say I am totally impressed by the quality and wonderful funky feel to the images which are very finely cut and stamp beautifully. At £6.49 a set they brill value........all sets have the fairy, her wings.......which Nikky has very cleverly drawn as butterflies so they have dual use, plus several co-ordinating elements.

My easel card creation fits three challenges, Stamping for the Weekend who would like to see 'Ribbons and Bows', Creative Card Crew who have the theme 'Birthdays' and Cupcake which has the theme of 'Childhood Memories'........this is where the misspent childhood comes in as mine was spent in a fantasy word believing fairies really did live at the end of the what's changed, I still do and then as now I talk to butterflies.

This stems from three of my Great Aunts who used to walk with me through the gardens of the beautiful thatched cottage where my maternal grandparents lived and talk to butterflies as we went, referring to them by name. When I questioned this I was told they all had a very special purpose in life and represented the spirits of departed relatives. One of the aunts, Mirrie, was a spiritualist healer and radiated incredible peace and tranquility and from a very young age she always had a very special place in my life.

When she died I was given her engagement ring, it is too fragile to wear regularly but I believe it has a special purpose in my families life and in times of 'need' such as recent events and also special family occasions, Mirries ring comes out and I wear it and place it on a finger of the loved one who is suffering. When our eldest son married last year I gave it to my DIL to wear for their wedding and will do the same to the fiancee of our second eldest son for their wedding next month.

So you will understand why butterflies hold a special meaning to me and why they feature so often on my artwork. You could call me unhinged, but we all need something to believe in, to give us strength and for me this in part is where I draw mine from.

I have used what is probably my favourite of the new stamps of those I have to play with which is called Gracie. I stamped her twice colouring with Copics and stamped her wings onto fantasy film. The DP's are all from Polkadoodles new Paper Boutique CD. The borders are punched with Martha Stewart embossed zig zag, the fairies mat a Nestie run through the Big Shot and the butterfly also a punch with some tied matching ribbon for the thorax. Roses, ribbons, pearls and sickles added to embellish.


  1. Its a gorgeous card and so glad to see you got to sit for a wee while and make something gorgeous. Thanks for sharing that beautiful story Brenda, weren't you lucky to have 3 such beautiful aunts and the essence they have past onto you sounds so beautiful. What a treasure you have to share with your children and many generations to come. Big hugs

  2. Hi Brenda. Glad all the patients, including yorself are doing well. What a lovely story. Your Aunt sounds like a very special person and it's lovely to know why things appear regularly in people's crafting and what the special meaning behind them is.
    Yor card, as always, is beautiful and look at that sunshine!!!
    Take Care


  3. Oh what a beautiful story Brenda, where have those days gone.
    Shingles is a terrible thing i had it in my eye many years ago the pain was just unbearable.
    Your card is so adorable love it.
    Babs x

  4. hi hun this card firstly is just stunning and I am so glad you are begining to be able to sit even if for a while,love the story of your aunties,there is always far more here than just a card,love your blog hun,one that really inspires my imagintation,and others too that I AM sure off hugs cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Brenda, I have so enjoyed just reading your post, really touching. I am very sentimental about things too.
    Anyway on to your card it is lovely, very pretty. Love her wings.
    Take care, hope to see you soon, Hugz Fleur

  6. Your card is gorgeous as usually. I love your story. When my Dad passed away several people in the family seen a yellow and red butterfly, first at the hospital as we were leaving my nephew said look at that butterfly, then in my sister's backyard as we sat around her table planning for the funeral, then at the church as we were walking from the service to the luncheon. My daughter (who was 3 at the time) seen a butterfly as we were leaving the house the morning after my dad died and said hi. I asked her why she said that and she told me that pap pap told her last night that he would fly down to visit, to tell us all not to cry anymore, that he was happy. So butterflies always bring a smile to my face now.

  7. Hi Brenda glad to hear things are improving a bit for you, What a lovely card and I know what you mean, butterflies have always been special to me too but I have never known why. I loved hearing the reason behind yours though.
    Max x

  8. Wow what a stunning easel card all the details are beautiful. Thanks for taking part in the CCC Challenge.
    Paula xxxx

  9. Thank you for joining us at Cupcake Craft with such a gorgeous card ! Thanks for sharing your special memories too ! Smiles from Catherine

  10. Such a beautiful card. Glad all the patients are doing well. I'll direct the reiki to the appropriate spot for your shingles. Ah, the universe is going to love it when I ask for this one! Two of my best friends and I have always found butterflys hovering around us after losing loved ones. We name ours as well. It's lovely to see the butterflys and feel that we are somehow closer to those we've lost. Thank you for sharing your beautiful ring tradition. hugs to you, eileen

  11. Hi Brenda, I'm so glad everyone is on the mend. This is a beautiful card and a wonderful story. Bless you for sharing. Hugs Suzi x

  12. Hi Brenda,
    This a beautiful card...Thank you for sharing your story it was lovely and you were soo lucky to have three wonderful aunts...
    Mandy xx

  13. I love the colours and that image is fabulous, loved reading your little story about your aunts and the butterflies. Hope your bum feels better soon.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  14. Wow! What a beautiful card Brenda, really love the image and the card shape! Thanks for sharing your story!
    P.S thanks for letting me know about the SS Challenge, I have a fairy card which I made today so I'll get it entered into the challenge tomorrow!!

  15. that's amazing, I love the colours!

  16. Pleased to hear you and yours are on the mend and thanks for sharing your lovely family memories with us. I love your gorgeous card. The colours are fabulous as is the gorgeous image.
    Pat xx

  17. Hi Brenda,
    I am so pleased all the patients, including you, are doing well.
    It was lovely to read your wonderful story.
    Your card is gorgeous, I am glad you are back crafting.
    Hugs, Clare x

  18. HI Brenda
    loving this card. Glad things are improving for you. Maybe we will meet one day!!!,. Ally Pally was quiet compared to NEC and Olympia but i need get to see some old friends. Take care
    Love Sarah XXX

  19. Glad to hear things are settling down .. and what a lovely story about your Aunts ring. Your card is beautiful and even more so because of your love of butterlfies.
    Thanks for sharing all that with us
    Lisa ;)

  20. Thank you for sharing such a special story with us Brenda. This card is lovely - I especially like all the layering.
    Lesley x

  21. HEY Brenda, been a while since I stopped by, sorry about that!!

    Gorgeous creation, adore the fairy and all the added flowers leaves and butterfly + extras!

    Beautiful work!!!

  22. It's good to believe in something Brenda especially if it's such a comfort to us! We're planning to go to Tropical World in Leeds on Friday - loads of butterflies there - will look at them in a different light now!

    Absolutely adore your card.

    Love Lynda xxx

  23. Your card is gorgeous Brenda and a lovely story told!

  24. What lovely thoughts! I will see butterflies very differently from now on. Your card is beautiful, Brenda. I hope you are feeling a bit better yourself and I am glad to hear the patients are all well.

  25. Hi Brenda, I think we all find comfort in something that the family have left us, I know I do and its not that your a freak it just means you have love for them and miss them.
    Your are right I love your new stamps they are gorgeous and so pretty, fabulous card and beautiful papers. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  26. Hi B

    This is so pretty hun the image is great and I love what you have done with her wings,

    glad to hear the patients are feelin a little better

    Emma xxx

  27. This is gorgeous Brenda. Really interesting to hear why you love butterflies so much.

    Glad to hear you are all improving though.

    Kat xx

  28. Glad to hear that you are all feeling better. Lovely card and that stamp is funky... Its nice that your card has so many memories to remind you of your childhood. Hugs Nicky xx

  29. Oh Brenda this is so beautiful I love those papers and flowers and the image wow I love this so much.

    Lorraine x

  30. Hi Brenda, this card is stunning so many layers. Love your writing on the butterflies. I love watching them flitter around the garden and I like the thought that they are spirits of departed relatives and friends.
    Glad to hear that your family life is returning to norm. Have you got shingles? I must have missed a post.

  31. So glad to hear that all 3 patients are now improving. What a marvelous story! How you must treasure her engagement ring. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  32. Totally gorgeous card Brenda-just love all the beautiful detail on it.
    I have that set too and can't wait to play but off to the V & A today with Sarah. Found out yesterday she has a partially slipped disc at the base of her spine-not good when you're only 19! Hope the trip will cheer her up.
    Really lovely story about your great aunt. I have good memories of mine and always remember going to stay with her as a child.

  33. Hi, Brenda. Glad to hear you and yours are improving! I REALLY adore this card. I bought the stamps Can't wait to try them.
    How adorable are these little fairies!?? You brought so much to their design by color and technique choices(LOVE the wings on Fantasy Film!!!). Thanks for sharing your creation AND your lovely butterfly story. Take care~

  34. Doh! Never thought to layer it up!!! I am such a numptie!

    I know where you are coming from with the butterflies!

  35. You are a true inspiration Brenda...this card is so lovelly. I´m a big fan of butterflies, they are adorale!! Love reading your post!
    hugs Lina

  36. What a wonderful insight - I am so with you - we all need something to believe in! Your card is absolutely gorgeous Brenda - I love it! Cheers Claire x

  37. Oh Brenda,TFS your wonderful story about the butterflies! Your aunt's ring will live on forever!
    Your card is gorgeous hun!!!

  38. beautiful cards and such a beautiful memory too - I really enjoyed reading it

    Thanks for joining in at Cupcake this week

  39. I love the way you have coloured these stamps. Beautiful wings too.xx

  40. Can you share what "Fantasy Film" is and where to buy it? No one here in the states seems to know what it is. The effect is so beautiful for Gracie's stmpd wings! Thanks

  41. Beautiful easel card love your colours and what a cute image!
    Thanks for joining SFTW!
    Hugs Di xxx
    I have a DT call over on my blog if your interested! x
