
Wednesday 17 March 2010

Poppy and butterflies

Good Afternoon peeps, a share of a card I made for Sir Stampalot using some of the new Penny Black stamps and new colours of distress inks which I think fits this weeks Penny Black challenge of Spring. And this weeks ABC challenge is "Q for Quotation" so I am hoping the French quotations behind the poppy head counts here.

The other day I alluded to not feeling too well so to explain my absence in blogland lately, I had what I thought was a minor problem, but Monday evening my GP sent me to hospital and it seems it's not quite as simple as I hoped. I need to see yet another specialist, have scans and tests, but typical NHS, the whole hospital is on some sort of alert due to a rampant virus. No visitors have been allowed in the hospital since last week apparently, so I was sent home again yesterday afternoon as wards are closed, all admissions expect emergencies cancelled and as a result even urgent appointments are backing up.

I am trying my best to lose myself in crafting, but inevitably the headless chicken syndrome has kicked in and what I am producing leaves a lot to be desired, hence what I am sharing today was created last week. Afraid I can't get my head round blogging so apologies to everyone.

So my card, I created the background by stamping the butterfly from Penny Black 30-048 with versamark and embossing with detail clear, then distressing with TH distress inks Wild Honey and Bundled Sage and an overspray of Glimmer Mist Pearl to bleed the colours.

The panels for the poppy image Penny Black4036K were created with masking using the same inks and GM, then removing the masking tape before stamping the image. The border is Martha Stewart embossed butterflies and I used the tiny punched out butterflies to scatter around the main panel.


  1. This is just so adorable and I just love that butterfly border punch!

  2. Hi Brenda - gorgeous card, I do love this image. Thinking of you at this difficult time - take care
    Hugs Fleur xXx

  3. This is beautiful Brenda. I love how you have created the panel behind the poppy image. I really must have a go at this.
    Hugs, Clare x

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Having been recently discharged myself after what should have been a straight forward op, my thoughts are so with you at this time. XX

  5. Mmmmm the new distress colours look beautiful, and go together so well. And a gorgeous creation Brenda.
    Said a prayer for you last night x
    Tracy x

  6. Love the way you created a panel, TFS Brenda! I´ve been thinking of buying stamps to create that effect, hehe, now I can make some easy peasy panels insteed. The stamping and inking is gorgeous as usually, the butterfly theme is so beautiful with the poppy.

    My thoughts are with you,
    warm hugs

  7. This is a beautiful card. So elegant. Take care, and my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

  8. Your card is wonderful, as always. Know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you the very best...

    Jo xx

  9. Beautiful card Brenda - so calm and serene. I love Poppies.
    I hope you can get your tests etc soon - your head must be all over the place. Thinking about you

    Lisa ;)

  10. wow hun this is so beautiful adore the image and gorus layout too hugs cheryl hope you get your test done soon hun hugs cheryl xxxxx

  11. Lovely card, Brenda. I do like that poppy stamp, but still haven't got round to using mine yet!

    I know what it's like having to wait for tests - hope you get yours soon. Am thinking about you - big cyberhug coming your way! xx

  12. Another beautiful creation Brenda. Hugs

  13. A very stunning card. Love what you did, thanks for the inspiration. Hope you're feeling better!

  14. Stunning card Brenda, lovely image and colours, it all looks beautiful.

    Sorry to read that you're under the weather and waiting for a suitable time to get sorted. I hope things sort asap for you.

    Keryn x

  15. Gorgeous card!!! So beautiful!!
    Hope yo feel better soon!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  16. OOOhhh! Fabulous! I must try that (and buy some more distress inks!) Hang in there hun, and I hope the hospital sorts itself out and gets your tests done ASAP x

  17. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear your not feeling 100%, and what a blooming thing to happen, I bet your thinking allsort's...couldn't they have sent you to a different hospital? Your more than likely over worrying yourself sick with the wait.

    I am not suprised you can't craft, I just hope you get seen soon, and can put this horrible experience behind you...

    You have so many lovely crafty friend to talk to but if you want an ear to bend just email my anytime.

    You take care dear

  18. stunning card thank you so much for joinin gus on abc this week x

  19. Gorgeous card Brenda. Love the colour and the gorgeous butterflys. Hope everything goes well for you.
    Take care,
    hugs, Pat xx

  20. stunning card the image and the gorgeous colours...hope you get your appointment soon and your problem sorted...take care and ..thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxx

  21. Hello my Darling long time no speak ha ha!
    Your card is very beautiful.
    hugs chris xxxxx plus an extra 1 x

  22. I just love what you have done. The black image of the poppy is so simple but effective on the background colour. Hope you get sorted out soon. Nicky xxx

  23. Brenda....I hope that you are able to get to hospital soon. Take care. Love this card. Wonderful colours.

  24. Oh Brenda
    so sorry that things aren't so good for you healthwise. Let's hope things pick up for you real soon.
    Despite not being well your cards are still fantastic. So glad you haven't lost the thirst for crafting!!!!
    Love sarah XXX

  25. Gorgeous card Brenda!

  26. What a beautiful card hun.

    I do hope it's not too serious keep your chin up you will be in my prayers this evening

    Love Dawn xx

  27. A beautiful elegant card Brenda. Love the colours.

    So sorry you're going through such a worrying time Brenda. I hope the hospital gets a move on very very soon and your worries prove unfounded. Sending the biggest of virtual hugs.

    Lesley Xx

  28. Oh fabulous card Brenda, love the butterflies and great colours. Do hope they hurry up with the tests so you know where you are.

  29. Gorgeous card. I love the poppy stamp and the background is fab. I hope you get the tests done quickly.

    Nikki x

  30. this is just gorgeous!! Love the fab inking techniques you have done...beautiful results, and sending hugs! Juls

  31. Beautiful card Brnda - please take care. Warmest Wishes Claire x

  32. Hi Brenda, I do so hope that things are soon sorted for you love and that things arent as bad as you rather expect, please keep us informed.
    The card is stunning, love the colour scheme its beautiful. with love and hugs Shirleyx

  33. Hugs, love and positive thoughts as you. So sorry to hear you are suffering again and hope you get your tests and some positive news very soon.

    Your card is stunning another inspiring and creative colour combination.

  34. Hi!B sweetie i am thinking of you very much and so hope you feel even just a little better soon.Very pretty card and soon those fingers will be doing their magic again.take care,hugs Lou.xx

  35. Hope your feeling better soon Brenda, it is horrible when you are kept waiting to find things out. Your card is still stunning and I love the colours you have used. You inspire me so much with your colour choices.
    hugs louise xx

  36. Hi Brenda
    sorry your not very well! hope you're feelin better soon.
    You are so talented! fantastic card!!
    thanks for playing along on the ABC challenge this time! Samantha :0)

  37. Beautiful card. Thank you for joining in the ABC challenge this time.
    Cathy xx
