
Saturday 13 February 2010

Sir Stampalot Challenge and Blog Hop

A very Good Morning to you all..........the day we have all been waiting for has eventually arrived and all can be revealed. As you all know, our sponsor for this very special challenge and blog hop is Sir Stampalot who are celebrating their move to a spacious new shop in Peterborough.

This is an addition to my original post as I have been asked the question a few times - yes, this is open to entries worldwide !

We have lots of fun planned and some super prizes. The first prize for the challenge is a Sizzix Big Shot with extended cutting platform, plus dies including two of the fabulous Sizzix Bigz dies which cut boxes and shaped cards.

The Challenge First Prize
This prize is so good that I have had real trouble with my Design Team because as soon as I told them what was on offer most of them wanted out so they could enter the challenge. But I am pleased that they all stayed and I want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of them for their time and effort in helping me get this up and running. They have come up with some wonderfully inspirational work which you will see on your way round on the Blog Hop. I can't share my creation until tomorrow as it is a small gift for Andy and Janice and I don't want to spoil the surprise.
These are just some of the goodies up for grabs on the Blog Hop

There will also be two runners up prizes for the challenge and prizes for every stop of the blog hop which include stamps from all the best companies such as Hero Arts, Penny Black, Stamps Happen, embellishment kits etc.

So enough of my blurb, I know you all want to know what you need to do to be in with a chance of winning:

The Challenge and blog hop will run for two weeks closing at midnight GMT on 13th February 2010. The challenge theme is:


Your project can be a card, box, scrapbook l/o, whatever you choose and the theme is open to interpretation, moving home, kinetic card, vehicle or as simple as a dangling charm as long as it represents movement.

Just a few rules you need to follow for your creation to be included in the big draw:

1) Your project must be linked to Mr Linky at the bottom of this post.

2) You must include a link to this post and Sir Stampalot in your entry post on your own blog.

3) You may enter more than once, proving second or subsequent entries are a different type of project (i.e a card and a scrapbook l/o, not two cards). You may combine with other challenges, but we ask that you do not back-link to old posts.

The Blog Hop: Starting here you need to visit the following Design Team blogs:

1) Pick up a letter clue at each one.

2) Leave a comment at each blog you visit on their special blog hop posts so you can be entered into the draws for those prizes. Starting from here, this is where you need to go:

And a little clue to help you on your way - when you re-arrange the letters you will end up with three words and I have given you one to start you on your way:

_ _ / _ _ _ E / _ _ _ _ _

When you have the answer mail it to me and all correct answers will go into the draw for yet another prize.

All winners will be selected by Random Org., and will be announced here on Sunday 14th February 2010. All that remains is to say thank you so much for your support, good luck with all the prize draws and most importantly have fun and we look forward to visiting all your blogs to see what you have created.

Note: As Mr Linky seems to be in holiday mode please link in the comment section if he is missing.


  1. What a fantastic prize - was just looking at one on Saturday! Can't wait to get started on the challenge - moving is a great theme, lots of possibilities! Off to visit Lorraine now...x

  2. Wow this is soooo on my wish list so I better get cracking and get my entry in. Sue :o)

  3. Good Luck Brenda, I hope it really is a great success. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  4. Wow what a fabulous prize! I will have to get cracking!

  5. This is just FANTASTIC!!! Need to get mu but of the sofa!!!
    Hugs Lina

  6. This is fun Brenda, cant wait to see what you have done love chris xx

  7. OH WOW how overwhelming, where to begin!?

    I guess I'll begin with the hop, that makes sense!

  8. Fab idea and hope everyhting works out well. Have visited the other blogs and have solved the blog hop. The cards on the other blog are great. Really liked what Chris did but all were fab. Will have to get a move on to get my card done ( sorry no pun intended) See you at Sir Stamp again. Nicky

  9. Hi Brenda gorgeous work from the team everyone was different, and great ideas, off to decipher and try and come up with an idea for the challenge. Christine x

  10. This sounds like fun - the cogs are ticking over already

    Sharon x

  11. Card done - will blog hop later - between the hosework Brenda - guess I better make soe lunch for Hope now!! Cheers Claire x

  12. Wow! will need to get busy, busy with the challenge =)

  13. OMG, love all the prizes. Thanks for the chance to win. Off to hop.

  14. Oh what brilliant prizes! What great timing to make a Car project ;-) I'm off to hop. Thanks for the chance to be involved.

  15. Hi Breanda,
    What a fabulous prize list. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm off to hop now and look forward to seeing the creations along the line.
    Fiona x

  16. Loving this competition Brenda, I'm sure everyone is having a great time 'hopping' all I have to do now is keep my fingers crossed!

  17. WOW, Brenda! you weren't kidding about it being amazing! hope their move went well and that everything in the new location goes swimmingly! (now i'm off to do some hoppin'!)

  18. Wow! A fantastic and very generous prize! Off to blog hop and make something for the challenge as soon as I get the time. x

  19. How fun..Love this! Thank you for the chance of winningso great candies...Hugs from Norway

  20. Fabulous prizes, thank goodness we have 2 weeks, got time to come up with something that moves.

  21. Brilliant prizes, Brenda. Really amazing. I've hopped so now I NEED to create. Will be back later.


  22. Thank you so much, have enjoyed my first blog hop. Have seen so many stunning cards my brain hurts....need to go and have a go at mine! My blog is all about reusing and recycling stuff so will stick to that theme but I am itching to use my stamps and proper card stuff. PC also needs rest...Thanks again. Love Diane.
    Oh and Best of luck to Sir Stampalot

  23. Wow what a great prize!

    Off to 'hop' and give my 'movement' project a bit of thought :)

    Carol x

  24. Oh my goodness! What fab prizes!! This is only my 2nd blog hop, and i'm so excited. Great fun!

    Lou x

  25. What a great prize,thanks for the chance to win

  26. As a charity crafter this prize would be a dream come true and a lifetime of charity cards! I have never done a blog hop before and have read the rules 10 times, gonna give it a go x thanks and good luck all x Leigh from Charity crafter

  27. This was an awesome blog hop--so much fun and great cards and projects by the DT! Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Great Hop and fantastic prizes. Can't wait to see your creation.
    Pat xx

  29. Great prizes! i'm excited to join in !
    ~ juli

  30. Such great prizes... and a fun idea! Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. incredible prizes, inspiring designers, funtime!!!

  32. I've just linked my project, what a fabby prize... now I'm just going to 'hop off'!

  33. Das ist ein super Preis. Da mache ich gerne mit, danke für diese Möglichkeit.

    LG Gisela!

  34. What fun I have made & blogged my card , Lookforward to popping back later to see what you have made
    Hugs Susie xx

  35. Wow what a super prize, off to put my thinking cap on and hop around the blogs. Back soon. Debs xx

  36. Hi Brenda, made my card now, good luck with it all , great candy. janex

  37. What great fun Brenda, will have a think about my card - have a few ideas in my head! Linda x

  38. I've not done a blog hop for a whole year and have been really looking forward to this on, so I've just made a cup of coffee and will be sat at my computer for how ever long it takes.

    That's for the opportunity of joining in.

  39. Such a super prize! Have think what to make...
    well I´ll move along to next one :)


  40. Hi Brenda Fantastic prizes, someone is going to be very lucky. Christine x

  41. wow what a blog hop and what a prize! need to get making something now - hmmmm *thinking cap on* im off to see everyone's creations for some inspiration now xx

  42. Hi there

    Great prizes on offer and love the theme. off to the other blogs.

    Hugs Ali x

  43. Hi Brenda ~ What a super fun challenge and hop! Thank you for the op to hop along and meet some wonderful artists and to see more of some of my already found crafty friends works of art! I really enjoyed this hop! The prizes of course are just wondeful too! May SIr STamp Alot have great success in the new location!
    Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

  44. great prizes, looking forward to the hop x

  45. Hi Brenda.
    WoW - really awesome prizes that Janice is offering. That Hello Kitty Big Shot is so tempting!! Love the challenge theme of Moving - I hope I can join if I get two mins spare :D

    Off to hop to the next lady in the list!!

    Hope the challenge and the hop are huge successes!!

    Kimmi x

  46. A fantastic challenge with the chance to win fantastic prizes! Off to strat the hop! Many thanks Karen x

  47. HI BRENDA!!
    Thank you and all the other girls for organizing this amazing blog hop with stunning prizes!!! I´w hopped around seeing many great artists!
    Noe it´s time to get cracking on "Moving" carfty things!!!
    Thank you for hosting this
    Hugs to you all

  48. That was a fun blog hop and such amazing creations by the DT! Thanks for the challenge and the chance to win fab prizes!!!

  49. What an amazing hop! Hope it's a great success for all involved.

  50. Fabulous prizes and such a wonderful idea for the theme. All the team did a fantastic job. I am off to sort through my stash to see what I can come up with. Enjoyed the hop very much.

  51. A lovely blog hop and what fabulous cards from your lovely DT members!

  52. What amazing prizes!

    I've had fun on the blog hop and I've just added my card.


  53. incredible prize - first blog hop I've tried, hope can remember the rules!

  54. How fun! I have entered my card and now I'm off to hop! fingers crossed, I could use that big shot!!!!!!

  55. Just finished the hop - was a great way of enjoying my coffee break such lovely DT stuff to see.

    Beccy x

  56. Not sure if I have commented yet, but just keep coming back x love the site x And the prizes for the blog challenge/blog hop have me droooling!!!

    Charity crafter x

  57. Hi Brenda

    I really liked to do the challenge and creating my card.
    Thanks for giving the idea of "moving" and I hope I can make a chance on the winning prizes.
    Of course I want to thank already for the chance to win!

    Come to visit my blog here

    XXX Kim

  58. WOW! Those prizes are absolutely amazing and the challenge is fantastic!

  59. Hi Brenda, Thoroughly enjoyed hopping, may I say very well organised, and the DT's projects were amazing. Well done.

    Suzi xx

  60. What amazing prizes. Thanks for the chance to win.

  61. This was a great blog hop, beautiful project from the DT. This is an awesome prize.Thanks for the chance to win.

  62. I finally got my card in! Thanks for the chance to win!!!Whoever wins this,it will be like winning the scrap lottery!!!

  63. ho postato sul mio blog il LO a tema movimento! nella barra laterale destra ho segnalato ulteriormente il challenge e il blog hop!

  64. Hi Brenda. What fantastic prizes. I'm just about to start the blog-hop, will create something later! S x

  65. Hi Brenda, I found the time to get involved today...My card is made and everything is in place, just need to solve the word now...

    Enjoyed every minute thank's....

  66. All week I have been trying to work out what to make for this challenge. I had the blog candy up on my side bar weeks ago and a link to the candy in an earlier post. I e-mailed the phrase to Brenda earlier in the week but I just couldn't work out what to make until today! I am really pleased with my card too so thank you for setting this challenge and thank you for working with Sir Stampalot to offer this fabulous candy. I hope they will be happy in their new premises. Warmest wishes, Lesley.

  67. seriously LOVED doing this challenge! even my husband wanted to play along! he's an art teacher, so he couldn't resist, and he's going to use the card he made to formulate a lesson plan, so thanks for the inspiration! :)

  68. I have an award for you on my blog.


    (Pattie's passion)

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!

  69. I had so much fun on the blog hop. The DT makes are fab.
    Nikki x

  70. Really enjoyed the hop when I did it which was my second after Hero Arts. It's so inspirational to see lots of new blogs.
    Finally finished my challenge card this morning.
    Hugs, Fliss xxx

  71. It was a good organised bloghop......enjoyed it .......amazing cards by the DT members....just entered my card.....lots of success for Sir Stampalot....and I keep my fingers crossed for such a huge prize!!
    xxx Margreet

  72. Hi! What a wonderful prize! I shall have a hop around looking at all the lovely blogs, yours is stunning! All the best with the hop, and the new premises for Sir Stampalot!
    Hugs Shelly ;)

  73. Oops! I have linked by accident no 83 ... please disregard this link... I shall be back later with my card and link it properly!
    SORRY...Shelly ;)

  74. Hi Brenda,

    wow, such an amazing prize!!! Now Im going on the way to all of the other blogs.


  75. Hi there!!! Now there are two things ready for you at my blog!
    A swing card "BEE MINE" and a "LITTLE NEST". I´m not sure how to link from the post but I´ll give it a go!
    Hugs Lina

  76. great competition, not to mention the prize :)
    I will try to come up with a card for the MOVING challenge, too

    Hugs from Poland,

  77. Hi Brenda again!!
    My nane doesn´t stick to Mr Linky!! I tryed to post my name at nr 88 but with no luck! Please help me out!
    Hugs lina

  78. HI what a wonderful prize...thanks for the chance to win...i will post my card as soon as i have finished the hop...hugs Nikki xxx

  79. No idea where my post went yesterday but I've managed it today. This is fabulous blog candy, well done Brenda for organising it all.

  80. THANK YOU BRENDA!!! I did it right this time thanks to you!!Thank you for responding so fast!
    have a great day Hugs Lina

  81. Hi Brenda... I sent you the mail... hope that was right... thanks for the chance...

  82. Brenda,

    I left something on my blog for you...


  83. Great hop! All done and emailled, thanks for the fun hop x

  84. Hi Brenda,

    I just posted my Moving Card on my blog, Create With Joy, and added it to Mr Linky. Now I'm off to start hippity hopping all over creation! Your post was great - what a lot to coordinate - looks like it is already a smashing success!

    The prizes look amazing and I am crossing my fingers (and toes) for a win!

    #87 One World One Heart Giveaway

  85. Super prizes from fab companies, my card is made now and with mr linky, thanks for all you do! Good luck to everyone.

  86. This is my first challenge and I enjoyed taking part so much. I have posted a link in my blog to the challenge and my challenge entry. Thx x

  87. Fab challenge & fantastic prizes.

  88. Hello, I am Rita,
    thanks for everything you do for us.
    I am amazed how many things are there and participated very willingly.

  89. Wow what fabulous prizes, i have just entered my card, i hope i've done everything right.
    Hugs Tracy x

  90. Thanks so much for the fun challenge and hop, and also of course for the chance to win some crafting yumminess! :D
    Mr Linky seems to be working just now, and I'm entry 107, but just in case he throws a wobbler somewhere down the line, my challenge card is HERE

  91. I enjoyed both the challenge and hop blog. Great fun!!
    Thank you for the opportunity to take part and hopefully :) win :) :)

    Now I'm off to see what other participants have prepared. I'm sure there will be plenty of wonderful ideas :)

  92. Thanks Brenda, I finally got mine done. Had a great time playing along and well done for all your hard work, it was well worth the effort.
    MAX X

  93. Thanks for the chance to win :) Link on the sidebar in my blog:

  94. Here is my entry

  95. Fantastic challenge and congrats on the move! Here is my card:

  96. Well, I could have sworn I left a message here earlier. No matter. I enjoyed the blog hop and I have emailed you with my answer. I have now also added my card to Mr Linky too.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such fantastic prizes.
    Dawn xx

  97. Wow such fabulous prizes. Great blog hop, loved seeing all the gorgeous creations along the way. I'm going to email you now
    hugs Mandyx x

  98. Thank you girls for this lovelly bloghop!! Great fun and swell prizes!! Now it´s just to hope for luck in the drawing!!!
    Hugs Lina
