
Monday 22 February 2010

Hero Arts Candy

This candy now closed - new candy at top of blog
Have you entered for a chance to win this weeks Hero Goody Bag ? Click here or leave a comment on any post.


  1. Thanks for the reminder Brenda! Will post on my sidebar shortly.
    Fliss x

  2. Just wanted to thank you for my Blog Hop Candy I received from Chris's Blog it arrived today and I shall have to have a little play later. I won't enter for the Hero Arts Candy as I was lucky last time....oh but it's eating me up to know what's inside...good luck to everyone else.
    Love Diane

  3. I've just added your pic and link to my sidebar - and now have my fingers crossed I love a surprise.

    Please call by my blog I have a little blog candy on offer.

  4. Yeah I am wondering whats in the suprise too!

  5. OOOhh how exciting.....I am going to try to put it on my blog now....I am not very good at this so I hope I can work out how to do it!

  6. I think I have left a comment already but if not this is another thank you for the chance to win
    Love Sarah XXX

  7. So fun! Would love the chance to win! I've added you on my blog as well!

  8. I have added you as I so love surprises.

  9. I don't have a blog but I am a follower. Love your blog it is great

  10. Candy? Did I hear Candy? Count me in.
    The Polka Dot Rose

  11. Hi Brenda, ohhhhhhhhhh lots of goodies eh!
    Thanks for the chance of getting some...


  12. Hi Brenda,

    I hope this question is ok to ask. I saw a fabulous card you made at "The Cute and Girly" blog. It was a brilliant blue color. IT is there today, Friday the 19th. I have been searching for paper and inks that color for over a week. Will you please let me know what products you used?

    Thank you so very much!
    He Is ABle,
    Traci Starkweather
    (Traci S. at SCS)

  13. Hi Tracy

    No e.mail link for you so hopefully you will pop back here for the answer. The DP is Doodlebug and the blue ink Hero Arts soft pool.

    B x

  14. At last! I can leave a comment so the new version of Firefox is better, or blogger has sorted this out as well as the followers problem (mine vanished for weeks but are back now). I wanted to enter the challenge for Simon Says but it was just past midnight and I wasn't finished so I couldn't.
    I can enter this one though hopefully.
    Cazzy x

  15. goody bags are good things! love Hero arts, thanks Brenda!

    Blessings, Maria

  16. I really love the pink poppies card. Such a pleasing colour scheme with lots of points of interest. Hero Arts are my favourite products. As it's my birthday today I'd love to lucky!
    Jeannie E.

  17. Such AMAZING cards on this blog! This will not be the last time i step by here! Have a nice day! Hugs from Mia

  18. Hi Brenda, I will have another go and trying for the blog candy. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  19. Hey Thanks for the reminder!! Although I guess I have already left a comment, but just in case I am leaving another one. Dont want to miss this chance in anyway :)

  20. He he I forgot you had candy until you reminded me! I've been enjoying all your gorgeous cards so much this week and following your challenge links for inspiration too! LOL

  21. Got your candy on my sidebar ( x Beautiful cards x Leigh x
