
Friday 22 January 2010

Polkadoodles 3

Before I launch into this weeks Polkadoodles challenge set by my teamie Enfys, I want to say a huge thank you to the team at ABC challenge for selecting my card for their Top 5 last week, I was super thrilled to see my name there.
We have been given us a sketch to work with plus she would like to see projects made with 'Orange and Red', might sound an odd combination but try it out, it works really well.
I have used one if the images from the Back to Nature CD, coloured with Copics and decoupaged the little girls clothes, then added some chalk clouds and grass to the background. The patterned paper is from the same CD and the top panel bazzil run through the Big Shot using a daisy folder. Border are punched with Fiskars threading water and ribbon and gems added to finish.


  1. Lovely bright card Brenda and a fabulous image.
    Happy Crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  2. I think Orange and red are great summer colours so warm and this is a lovely card hun

    Love Dawn xx

  3. Awww Brenda this is sooo cute love the bright colours & image..I have left you something on my blog & hope you will accept it???

    Hugs Christine xx

  4. Well, I wouldn't have put orange and red together, but as you have shown so well here, it works!

  5. Oh wow I love how this turned out!

  6. Apaet from the fact that she looks a bit precarious balanced on that fence - it;s a great image. Love whar you've done with the colour combo - it's definitely working on this card.
    Beryl xx

  7. Beautiful those colours are delicious and loving that image.....gosh I used to be able to that...once upon a time lol.

    Lorraine x

  8. Lovely Bright and full of colour this card is Fabulous Brenda really, a great image too, Hugs
    Sarah xx

  9. awesome, great colouring, I love this cd, and this image is great.


  10. It's a ray of sunshine after a damp and dreary day! Isn't it funny how most of us wouldn't hesitate to put yellow and orange together, but orange and red seems so unusual to us!

  11. Congrats on your top 5 award!! Beautiful card.x

  12. This is just gorgeous!! Love the fab colour combo! Hugs Juls
