
Friday 18 December 2009

Polkadoodles DT project challenge 51

Before I go on to this weeks Polkadoodles challenge, I want to say a huge, huge thank you to everyone for their wonderful support. I confess I was a bit thrown by the events of the past day or so, but with your help I have been able to rise above that negative activity and blogging will re-commence as will roses and other crafty activities.
Now on to Polkadoodles where the theme is an open one. The DT have come up with some awesome projects using the new Back to Nature CD, do pop along and check out their inspirational work. When I saw these flowers on the BTN CD I fell in love with the colours and knew exactly what I wanted to do with know, one of those rare cards where it just clicks into place.

I re-sized the flowers, cut them out and decoupaged. The stalks are stamped with Brilliance Thyme using one of the swirl stamps from the Daisy Doodle Stamp set and added leaves cut from the petals of one of the flowers. The sentiment is also from the stamp set and the picket fence a new Martha Stewart punch I just had to have. I chalked clouds in the background and added punched vellum butterflies and gems here and there.


  1. It's great to see you have come back with such a positive attitute, your the better for it...
    And what a fantastic card to boot...
    You handled the situation perfect...and I have so much respect and admiration for you...

    Hug's Vicky

  2. Hi again Brenda. Its so lovely to see you back and doing your amazing cards yet again. This card is so striking, I love the greens, its fabulous.
    Keep smiling sweetie and chin up. You inspire so many of us.
    Happy crafting.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  3. Fabulous card Brenda and "GOOD FOR YOU!!!"

    Hugs, Clare x

  4. hi Brenda, sorry I haven't been by for a while have just read about the last few days so sorry it upset you..but glad to see you have risen above it and got back to what you do best make gorgeous cards and inspire all of us..take care..
    Mandy xx

  5. As usual Brenda it is gorgeous and I am so pleased that you have not let this petty person ruin your creativity. Can't wait to see more, especially your fabby roses.
    Max x

  6. I missed yesterdays post but I have commented on that. This is so simple hun, BUT it is so effective I love the colours too!

    Love Dawn xx

  7. Bet this is just like looking over YOUR garden fence - beautiful! Love the colours.

    Love Lynda xxx

  8. Fabulous card, love the colour combo and all those fabby flowers.

  9. Beautiful card Brenda, bright and cheerful,
    Well done.
    Babs x

  10. Hi Brenda,

    Glad you feeling a bit better about everything now!! you are definatly well loved!!....Your card is fab, Its so bright and cheerful, love the greens, and all the polka dots on the flowers! such a stunning creation!! Hugs Juls

  11. Good on you girl! this is very unusual Brenda love it, love the colours of the card
    its nice to see a bit of spring in a card (only place today with the weather snowing hard here)take care lots of love chrisxx

  12. Wow Brenda...
    that's soooooo nice!!! I love it!!!

  13. Thats right love don't let them get to you!!!!!!!! Beautiful card, love the colours, Fab.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  14. That Martha Stewart punch rocks and so does that card!!!

    I really love the idea of the Flowers with the tie in the middle. So very Coool!

  15. So glad to hear you feel able to rise above, Brenda, you go girl. We NEED you in blogland.
    I love your flower card, just my sort of thing. The little fence is gorgeous.
    Have you got the snow in Lincs yet. We've got about 2" here in Yorkshire but the suns out now and it's beautiful.
    Enjoy your weekend.


  16. Beautiful Brenda,
    I brought this cd, as it was unsual, it was the first time I had seen it. Ive not used it yet. Im delighted to see you are on the DT too, so I look forward lots of inspiration


  17. Hi Brenda, love your polkadoodles card. Rats ... now I have to have the back to nature CD! Ah, I love my enabler friends. Sorry to see that snitty email you received. Amazing .. anyone who follows your blog would realize you are the winner of the "least likely to do something underhanded award". I'm sorry too that you had to be upset this way. hugs to you, eileen

  18. Gorgeous card! That little fence goes perfectly! I love the colours you have chosen. I'm off to karate now and will do some extra vigorous punches and kicks on your behalf!!!

  19. Hi Brenda, Im so glad to hear your have risen above the horrible events of yesterday, and glad that we can help you do that. Your card is gorgeous and the new Polka Doodle Cd is stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  20. Lovely, lovely, lovely flowers! Great colours, too. Makes me think of spring. :o)

    Big hugs,
    Chris xx

  21. I love this one Brenda those flowers are gorgeous

    and happy holidays
    Lorraine x

  22. Oh this is fabulous Bren. The colours are a lovely combination and those flowers are super.
    Have just spoekn to my family in the Royston area so know how bad you've got it there (just as I was thinking I'd like to move back too.)No snow here yet but I know we won't get it as bad as you do.Keep warm and safe.
    Beryl xx

  23. This is beautifully put together Brenda. I love it!
    Lesley x

  24. oh hun so glad you can rise above the comment as i said earlier without you I would never have gained confidence to try things,and this card just shows us all how totally creative you are and your detail is always first class love hugs cheryl xxxx

  25. Gorgeous, Brenda! Love you buttons and the fence, Love all of it! Hugs Nilla

  26. Hi Brenda, I absolutely adore this card, just my cup of tea. Love the colour, flowers and the gorgeous picket fence. Brilliant.
    Love, Pat xx

  27. Fabulous colours Brenda and an altogether stunning card. Brilliant 'Come Back' card!

    Lesley Xx

  28. This card is stunning Brenda, what lovely colours too xx

  29. I really like your card. The colors are so nice together. It's the type card your eyes are just drawn to. Thanks for your inspirations.


    dj1952 (Debra)
