
Sunday 6 December 2009

Thank you and challenges

Oh wow, where do I start, yesterday was a fabulous day at Sir Stampalot and I can't begin to express how thrilled I was to meet so many of my lovely blog buddies and to be able to put faces to names. And of course not forgetting all of those I already knew who also popped in to say hello. At the risk of offending anyone by missing their names I am just going to say a huge thank you one and all for taking the time to come, many travelling quite a distance from places such as Nottingham, Norfolk, Yorkshire and Hampshire.

I would love to have been able to spend more time chatting and talking crafty with everyone, but unfortunately the popularity of the day just did'nt allow as we were kept on your toes from start to finish. And if the queues in the shop were anything to go by there is are an awful lot of new crafty goodies being played with today.

I have one card to share with you today which is for this weeks Penny Black challenge which has the theme Christmas for the Girls and Stamping for the Weekend which wants to see Red, Green and Gold. I don't really have a 'girly' PB stamp so have gone for he more sophisticated female approach and made an easel card .......these seem to be popping up all over blogland so thought it was time I made one.

My image is Penny Black 3768K Christmas Montage, stamped with Brilliance Red, Thyme and Gold, distressed round the edges and covered with two coats of UTEE. Another of my roses that were very popular yesterday (using a 2" punch for those of you that saw a demo) and surrounded by punched leaves and pearls. The bottom border was punched with Martha Stewart embossed scallop, the greeting is my favourite Christmas sentiment this year Penny Black 3995F Ornamental Script and DP is K & Co.


  1. Hiya Brenda. SIMPLY STUNNING.
    Love Sandra xx

  2. Stunningly gorgeous, but even more gorgeous in real life! You are an absolute star, Brenda! Your demos were superb and it was wonderful to meet you yesterday.

  3. Gorgeous card, and no wonder the rose was popular. Glad you had a great day, bet your knackered today though!

  4. As Sally says, the photos don't do your gorgeous cards justice. Your demos yesterday were fantastic & you're a real trouper, keeping going for so long. It was really lovely to meet you, & we're looking forward to the next time. xx

  5. Hi Brenda
    So pleased to hear you had a wonderful day yesterday - I so wish I could have been there.
    I love the sheer elegance of this card - it's gorgeous. Would love to know how you made the rose - looking forward to a tutorial when you are up to it!!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  6. what a beautiful elegant...
    might have to gt this stamp!!!


  7. Hi Brenda, It was a great day yesterday, and really good to learn how to do the roses. Thank you. You must be absolutely shattered though, it was so busy. I don't know how everyone managed to stay so good humoured but you and the other girls were so helpful and friendly, even though you must have been asked the same questions over and over. That card is beautiful. Allyson x

  8. Hi Brenda, Wow such a stunning card! Glad you had a good day yesterday. I wish I could have been there but I had arranged for my friend to come over for the day. I think she lives not far from you (Chatteris).

    Lisa x

  9. Hi Brenda glad you had a fantastic day! your card is fab xx jo xx

  10. beautiful card the papers and your gorgeous image...and that rose is delicious..thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxx

  11. Hi Brenda

    So pleased to hear that yesterday went so well - I hope you are putting your feet up today!!!

    Your PB creation is gorgeous - beautiful colours and a lovely rose. Shame I didn't see any of them in "real life" but these look fantastic enough as they are.

    Love Jules xx

  12. Oh Wow Brenda such a stunning and elegant card. So glad you had a fab demo day too.

    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Fabulous creation - very Christmassy as well as sophisticated.
    Beryl xx

  14. Just stunning.
    Good to know you had a good day yesterday sounds like you have pretty much recovered good to know.

  15. Gorgeous easel card, I really need to try my hand at one of those!

  16. Another gorgeous card brenda, it was fab to see you on saturday, I really enjoyed the day but was shattered when I got back lol.

  17. Ooohh! Am liking this one with stamens, even.. Nice touch! :o)

    Was nice to see you yesterday, even if it was only for a few seconds, lol! Sorry I couldn't stay, but you looked pretty busy. Your stand was only three deep when I arrived. Had to elbow my way through to see you! lol ;o)

    Bought my punches... :o)

    Talk to you soon..

    Chris xx

  18. Evening Brenda. Your day sounds like a huge sucess I've been reading about it all over blogland today. I shall have to try and make the next one, it sounds like an event well worth making the trip for.
    Your card is absolutely stunning, that rose looks like fabric.


  19. Hi Brenda. Thanks for sharing your techniques yesterday. Loved the demo on punched roses, I'm going to give that a go.

    Debbie xx

  20. wow this is so stunning so love that rose it looks as though it has just been picked from the garden love cheryl xxxx

  21. Such a gorgeous card. Very stylish.


  22. Hi Brenda, it was great to see you (and your hubby) on Saturday with all your beautiful artwork. It was really stunning. And thank you so much for the rose demo, i keep getting into a bit of a pickle with it! i think i must have missed abit - too busy nattering ! Really lovey stuff. Thank you and your cutie pie hubby. Mel x

  23. Oh WOW this is wonderful.

  24. Just stunning, Brenda! All details just gorgeous! Hugs Nilla

  25. Oh Brenda what a fabulous card, the papers and the details are gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  26. Absolutely stunning, Brenda:O) Love it all, and that flower is amazing!
    Thank you for joining us at Stampin' for the Weekend, good luck!

  27. This is a beautiful card. I so like the colour combination as well as the easel design.

    Lesley Xx

  28. This is so beautiful and elegant. Love the rose and the layout.
    Thanks for joining us at SFTW.
    Gunn :-D
