
Sunday 8 November 2009

Rosie D's challenge 57

Hello all and time for the reveal of my card for the current Rosie D's Challenge which has the theme of Pink, White and a Wafer plus a sketch for you to follow designed by our very own Rosie. As we are now a fortnightly challenge there is still another week for you to enter so what are you waiting for ?

Now before I tell you about my card, a confession and you will realise what a lovely gang we have here at Rosie D's. A couple of weeks back when I did my card for this challenge I posted a very cute blue Christmas card following Rosie's sketch. It suddenly dawned on me just before our DT work was posted to the challenge blog what there was actually a colour theme and it most certainly was not blue.......panic set in and I quickly prepared another one following the right colourways......but my teamies are so polite that nobody had said a work to me other than to compliment me on the blue card. You can imagine what a dozy mare I felt !!

So my card, main image is Penny Black 3996K stamped with Brilliance Orchid and shaded round the edge with Hero Shadow Blossom and the edge of the card distressed with Tim Holtz Antique Linen. DP is from stash and the border punched with Fiskars Threading Water and some lace. I made the flowers from the same DP, embossing the edges with iridescent powder and the leaves are my 'wafer' punched from corrugated card coloured with the same orchid ink and embossing powder.


  1. Oh wow, this is beautiful ... even after a panic stage ... dozy mare, now thats a first for me ... ha ha ha. Love the watermark stamping .. so elegant.

  2. Hiya Brenda. Absolutely gorgeous, what a stunning creation, so beautifully co-ordinated.
    Have a great day.
    Love Sandra xx

  3. Wow Brenda, what a stunning card, love the colour its so classy and so elegant. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  4. Suspect your teamies were so busy admiring your work that they did not notice the colour :)
    This pink card is beautiful - grown up pink pair with brown! great idea and a wonderful Penny black stamp just beautiful.

  5. Hehehe!! I'm so glad I'm not the only dozy mare around! lol ;o) All's well that ends well, though, eh?

    It's a beautiful result, Brenda. Love it. (Well worth a close-up look.. that subtle glitter on the roses is so pretty!)

    Chris xx

  6. What a beautiful stamp. Just love the pink and brown too. Very pretty and elegant! Just lovely.
    Lesley x

  7. Beautiful card and gorgeous colours. And you already know I'm a fan of handmade roses but I love that finishing touch you do with the embossing powder.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
    p.s. talk about dozy mares, I went to the craft shop yesterday to get my irredescent powder and came out with out it.

  8. Gorgeous card Brenda and the flowers you have made are simply stunning.

    Love Lynda xxx

  9. What a beautiful card, Brenda! Love the colors, the lace, and those beautiful roses!

  10. STUNNING!!!! love the pink! The main image is just gorgeous! Love the lace detail, and your gorgeous handmade flowers! fab!! Hugs Juls

  11. Brenda, this is stunning. Your handmade flowers are amazing. I just love the whole feel of this card.
    Clare x

  12. Lovely card, very elegant and feminine.

  13. Oh this is soooo pretty! Samantha :0)

  14. Gorgeous card. Very delicate and feminine.

    Nikki x

  15. Gorgeous, elegant card.

  16. What can I say - it's just too beautiful for words.
    Beryl xx
