
Sunday 22 November 2009

A real mixture

Well, how is everyone this Sunday morning ? I have just one card to share having been very, very good, done as I was told and yesterday made just one card and no blog hopping.......sorry peeps, I will be round to see you all soon. I found that if I lowered my daylight light so I was sort of working above the gaze that seems to work OK and I promised myself if my eye started to hurt I would stop and leave my card !!!!

I am being a bit naughty and combining three challenges here as realistically I can't spend any longer crafting just yet.......but I have managed to use some of my new goodies from Sir Stampalot so you can all see what super new stuff they had delivered this week.

The challenges are Friday Sketchers who have a nice sketch by Jeanette, Tuesday Taggers who want to see 'Red, Gold and Green' and Creative Card Crew who would like to see 'String, Hemp, Twine, Rope etc' on projects.

The image is one of the new Rachelle Anne Miller images - Scarecrow RM064, stamped in versafine black and embossed with detail clear and coloured in with my brand new Copics which I absolutely love and am getting on with really well. The little board round her neck - yes she is a lady scarecrow - is blank, so I wrote in the name I have given her - Raggy Annie and diamond glazed over.

I stamped her hat and the patches again onto some scraps of Junkitz DP and decoupaged them and also cut out some squares from the same paper to create the background. I added a band of hessian and some raffia which I thought went well with the rustic feel of the card. The layered flowers are from a new Woodware punch from Stampalot called Sakura which does a multi stamp of five flowers in various sizes for layering up. The sentiment it Stamps by Judith SK-LG-207 available from Stamp Addicts.

The red panel has been run through the Bug and lightly sanded and a stamped and coloured a second image onto Shrink Plastic which is placed just above the sentiment.


  1. Hi Brenda , Great card love the little image on shrink plastic

  2. That is one awesome card! I really love it. From the papers to the stamp, to the embelishemnts, just stunning!

  3. Fabulous card, Brenda!Those papers are a perfect compliment to the stamp and the embellies. Your colouring looks superb! Well done for being good!

  4. Hi Brenda, loving this card, take care with the eyes though.....thanks you so much for joining us at TT this week, and good luck with your challenges. take care please......Hugs Avril xxxx

  5. Oh she is good cute (or am I softening?) love the little shrink plastic charm and all the layers and embossing and colouring and everything.

    Resting your eyes now is a reasonably good idea! Hope you are back to 'normal' soon and that this is the end these types of problems at least for a while MS is quite enough to have to cope with. (((Hugs)))

  6. I'm very glad to hear that you are being a good girl Brenda LOL!

    This is such a lovely card!

    Lesley x

  7. Ooooh Worzel Gummage would just love her lol! Fabulous image and I love the little charm you made with it too. A fantastic card Brenda.

    Love Lynda xxx

  8. Always something wonderful to look at on yr blog. Sorry to hear you eyes are bad get better soon need yr goodies on the web!

    Love Dawn xx

  9. I hope you are behaving yourself - its too hard not being able to do what you love! Fabulous card - love it to bits - wonderful combination! Take care Claire x

  10. Hi Brenda, Love the card. Hope your eye is totally healed soon. hugs to you, eileen

  11. Gorgeous little card, really cute stamp. Take it easy now, hugs

  12. Fab image and great layout Brenda. Glad to see you're getting there.
    Beryl xx

  13. I love it brenda, funily enough I did mine last night, and as you know red and green is always top of my list, but luckily I did blue which is very unusual for me. Im still not sure what Im writing on mine I will try to keep it clean though !!

  14. Gorgeous card Brenda - I do so love scarecrows! She looks great, and I love you choice of papers & colour.
    Fleur xXx

  15. fabulous card chickie! ok..that lil shrink piece is rawkin kewl...nice touch!

  16. Hi Brenda. Well done for getting a bit of crafting in. This is a lovely card. I love the shrink plastic image.


  17. Hi Brenda,
    Hope the eye is on the mend love, I love this girly scarecrow, and in all honesty I find scarecrows scary. But you've made her look quite adorable and I think the patchwork background is fantastic. Cute shrinky, and your colouring is fab with the copics.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  18. It is a real mix, but I love it! Great card. Glad you're able to do a little bit o' crafting, hun.

    Chris xx

  19. oh love this hun its brilliant so glad you got to do some crafting love cheryl xxxxx

  20. I'm just catching up after my 2 weeks hol and I was sorry to read of your eye problems. I do hope you're all sorted now and will be back crafting at your normal pace asap.

    I love this cheery card Brenda. It's a lovely image which makes me smile. You've also posted some gorgeous things while I've been away and my particular favourite is the Three Kings card.

    Take care

    Lesley Xx

  21. What a gorgeous scarecrow and I love your use of our colours this wek x Thanks for joining in at TT xx Janet

  22. Love this Brenda, what smashing colours, clever you to combine so many challenges, good luck with them.

  23. Hi Brenda
    A great entry for the Tuesday Taggers challenge this week. Thanks for playing along with us.
    x Michelle

  24. don't he come out cute shrunk ! Love it Mel x

  25. Gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with my sketch this weeks at Friday Sketchers!
    Hugs Jeanette
