
Thursday 12 November 2009

Internet nightmares

New Stamp Addicts TV Show

If I ever had any doubt how much I rely on the Internet the last week confirms I am most definitely joined to my computer at the hip. A whole week with only the odd hour or so's connection here and there is a total nightmare. This new server was going to take just a few hours to install, yet here we are a week later and they are still faffing about with it. It's meant to be mega efficient and fast and have bells and whistles.......if you ask me the bells and whistles are well and truly rusty.
So the result, very little blog hopping and only the odd visit to all my friends out there........I am so so sorry, I do still love you all really. I am preparing this post on Wednesday afternoon, but when it will actually go live on my blog is any ones guess.......but I must have faith in the teccies, they assure us all will be well shortly........I seem to recall them saying something similar this time last week.

Anyhow, I told you that there was a new Stamp Addicts show in the offing.......well it's going out live on Wednesday 18th November at 10am on Create and Craft TV........and now I can share some of my sample cards for the programme.

I really enjoyed playing with all the goodies that you will be able to buy from the programme, some really yummy embossing powders from JudiKins along with some if their great cube stamps. This card uses the Pressed Leaf Cube using one of my favourite messy techniques. The images were randomly stamped with Black Stayzon onto Acetate, then Tim Holtz Alcohol Inks added to the revers along with some splashes of Gold Krylon. I then took a piece of ripped text from an old book, covered it with Tombow glue and laid it over the inks. Next I crumpled a piece of kitchen foil, added the same glue and laid this over the back of the whole piece. Once dry - this only takes a few moments, I did some simple matting and layering and tied some raffia round before adhering it to my card. Finally, I highlighted the stamped images with an Inkssentials opaque white pen.


  1. Fabulous card - love the white accents. Won't be able to watch the show - hope it's repeated at some stage.

    Ann xxx

  2. Love it! the crumpled foil makes an intereting background. Am on leave next week so will try to catch the show, and try this technique.

    hope computers sorted now or soon upgrades are always a nightmare but when sorted they are sorted. (((Hugs)))

  3. Hi Brenda..I love love love it!!! wow what a gorgeous card must try this it looks beautiful..such a talented and inspirational lady.
    Mandy xx

  4. Fabulous card!Love the colours!
    Have a great day:)


  5. wouldn't know where to start with this one, just gorgeous Brenda. Understand your stress with computer, we had no connection from Friday till Monday evening and no phone lines either, felt totally cut off from the world lol.

  6. What a fabby idea may have to give this one a go love it. and you on TV what's all this about get you lol well you certainly have the talent go for it!!

    Love Dawn xx

  7. This is brilliant! So gorgeous! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  8. Sorry to hear about your internet troubles, Brenda. This was worth waiting for, though.. Wow!! It's gorgeous! Thanks for the description of the technique. I love the effects! Bet it's even more gorgeous in the "flesh"!

    Chris xx

  9. fab card brenda,love the colour tones.
    louise xx

  10. Love your beautiful card, Brenda! Sorry about all the headaches--technology can be a pain! (But we love it so!)

  11. Hi Brenda

    Poor you..teccie stuff can be such a nightmare!! Love your card, gorgeous colours and images!! Love the real collage feel you have created! stunning work!! Juls

  12. Love this card Brenda really effective. Love the way you've highlighted the leaves. Hope you are soon back in action puter wise.
    Love, Pat xx

  13. Beautiful! I have had that stamp cube for a few years now and I never tire of it. I haven't tried it on acetate yet though!

  14. Amazing background Brenda - the front's not half bad either. I'll try to catch this show but will probably need several reminders though - so keep the cards coming - internet permitting.
    Beryl xx

  15. Fabulous card - wonderful texture! Hope all is well in computerland soon! x

  16. Fabulous card Brenda, I love the textured area and the colours are wonderful.

    Carol x

  17. oh this is totally brilinat love it to bits will make sure I am able to watch the show that day love cheryl xxxxx

  18. Morning Brenda. It's a nightmare when computers throw they're dummy out isn't it. However did we manage without them!! Hope you are up and blogging very soon.
    Love the leaf card, the colours are lovely and the different backgrounds look great. More new techniques to have a play with.
    Have a lovely weekend.


  19. Beautiful card Brenda! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on my Santa card. Gave me a great excuse to come visit your blog... wonderful!! :)

  20. Fabulous card - wonderful texture Branda, I love the colors... Very pretty! Hugs and happy weekend...

  21. Hi Brenda, thanks for visiting me today. I love the technique you've used on this card, sounds right up my street ! Sue x

  22. Hi Brenda

    This is stunning.

    I love the gorgeous background (thank you for telling me how you did it!!)

    Glad your internet is up and running again.

    Love Jules xx

  23. This is a wonderful card, using some fab teqnique's. I will be tuning into the show this week, I have become a follower and look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous work...
    ps...I got some goodie's from the Stamp Addict's NEC stand last week
