
Saturday 28 November 2009

Allsorts challenge 29

It was super to see so many of you joining in the fun at Allsorts again this week and so many varied creations for Emma's song title theme. Lots of old favourites, but some new ones as well. Lisa has selected the theme for this weeks challenge and would like to see "Buttons" on your creations. As always it can be a card or any other crafty make, just remember the buttons to be in with a chance of winning the wonderful prize on offer from our sponsors Digisparkle.
I know I said I was done with Christmas cards but I did make this one a couple of weeks ago ready for today. The snowman is Mr Cool, Penny Black 4003H coloured with Copics. The Christmas trees are cut out from JudiKins 2996H which I stamped onto black gloss cardstock and embossed with detail white embossing powder, then decorated the trees with gems, cord and buttons.
The DP is My Minds Eye and the vellum torn across the bottom is Word Prints Scrapbook Sally which is ready embossed with snowflakes. The big snowflake is from the Cuttlebug cut and emboss folder.


  1. Fantastic card , Brenda .love the funky christmas tree and cute snowman


  2. Looks great, Brenda. A really fun card. :o)

    Chris xx

  3. Hi Brenda - what a lovely card. Love the christmas trees, might borrow that idea!
    hugs Fleur xXx

  4. Love the snowman and trees, great card. Fab Papers Brenda and cute buttons too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  5. What a beautiful card, Brenda! You are good being almost done with your christmas cards. I have done loads of cute ones, but need to think about some more adult ones now. I'll be looking for more inspiration when Lynne, Megan and I come to see you next week!

  6. Hi Brenda another beautiful card, your snowman looks so happy, the scene is gorgeous, and the colouring stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  7. Hi Brenda. Such a beautiful card. Love the colour theme, it is delightful. Such a lovely scene. Enjoy your weekend.
    Love Sandra xx

  8. Love those trees Brenda. Great card altogether.

    Lesley Xx

  9. What a great, fun card! Wish I could say I'd finished all mine, but I've hardly started. Looking forward to meeting you next weekend!

  10. Oooo look at all that christmassy layering - delicious!
    Lesley x

  11. What an adorable card, Brenda! Love that snowman, and especially those fabulous trees!

    Thanks so much for your visit--I always love when you stop by! And thanks for all your kind words!

  12. This is lovely Brenda, very snowy, that papers is beautiful, love the little trees.

  13. Hi Brenda,
    What a fab card! I love how you have dressed each tree differently and love all the different snowflakes too.
    Clare x

  14. I LOVE those Tree's and adore the snowman!

  15. This card is beautiful Brenda, I love the use of velum here.

    Carol x

  16. fab card again hun love the snowman great detail to hun love hugs cheryl xx

  17. Brenda, this is adorable ... all your details wonderful! I'm a little envious that you've completed your Christmas cards. I haven't even begun to make mine yet. If all goes well, I'll start on some tomorrow.

    Jo xx

  18. A gorgeous card Brenda. He looks like a very happy snowman.


  19. Another lovely card thank you. all those little elements and touches do not know how you keep coming up with them.

    How are your eyes now? Better hopefully,

  20. Super card, just love that snowman, he's really cool, whoops, no pun intended! LOL

  21. Great card Brenda and you're not the only one still trying to get the crimbo cards done. Spent most of this morning just sticking a load on inserts in.
    Blowing like a gale here today - glad to be indoors warm and cosy. Hope you eye is still improving.
    Beryl xx

  22. Ooooh.... so beautiful!!!!

    Saskia :)

  23. Just loving this Xmas creation. Love the depth effect the vellum creates at the bottom.
