
Tuesday 6 October 2009

Cupcake Challenge

Thought it was too good to last as today us fen folk woke up to a cold dull day which has now turned into rain.......yes I know we do need it. That central heating switch got a nudge this morning.......minus one in our greenhouse according to hubby, so those frosts can't be too far away. At lest that will help the sprouts on their way........mind you sprouts are a dodgy subject sometimes a bit like Marmite, you either hate them or your love them.......but they make the best bubble and squeak ever.

So on to a card, this week over at Cupcake the theme is 'Thanks a Bunch'. Just right for botanical me and a chance to share a recent card for a demo day at Sir Stampalot. For those of you who live in the area, I will be doing an all day demo with them on Saturday 17th October, refreshments and special offers all thrown in for good measure and a chance for lots of crafty chatter.

The image is one of the new Hero cling stamps CO102 inked with Brilliance Tyne and Hero shadow Soft Pool. The background card is repeat stamped with Hero H2385 Old French Writing, then overstamped with one of the swirl stamps from Inkadinkado 97513. The DP is Doodlebug punched with Fiskars Threading Water. String, flowers and pearls added to finish.


  1. Wish I lived in the area, I'd love to come and see. Love the colours together on your card. And love the twine and all the gorgeous stamping. Maybe we should call you the "Stamping Queen".
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  2. This is a gorgeous card Brenda. Those colours are just my favourite and I love how you've shaded them. The script background stamp is lovely, I must look out for that one and the twine and flowers match perfectly. I too would love to see you demoing!!!!


  3. Hi Brenda.
    This is one of my favourites, it is gorgeous!
    I'm definitely pro sprouts and marmite - yum!
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    Clare x

  4. stunning card brenda,sorry I missed you on saturday I left at 1 because tina kindly stood in for me so I could go to bridgette's su catologue launch else and I am working the saturday you are at sir stampalot else I would have poped up to say hi one day we may get the chance to say hello in person lol.
    hugs, louise

  5. Would love to come and play but am working again and you are too far away!!! Love the colours and design of this card, they go together beautifully. Hope all is well in your world? xx

  6. Gorgeous card, what a beautiful stamp and your colors are fantastic! Love it! So winter is near?? Hugs Nilla

  7. Hi Bren,

    Love this card & the stamp not been buy for a while (sorry) but I have been crafting lol. sometimes I spend that much time looking around & Commenting on others blogs I don't make much lol but this is really yum I like the bk grd of the stmped image

    Love Dawn xx

  8. LOVELY! I like it so much!
    I love these white flowers on the coloured background...

  9. What a beautiful card, Brenda! So much depth--and I love your weather description...made me feel like getting cozy by the fire! It's getting a bit chilly here, too--but I'm in California, so it's not QUITE that nippy yet!

  10. Wow Brenda thats one awesome card, its gorgeous. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  11. Hi Brenda,

    This is just gorgeous!! Love the colours! and the tecnique you have used with the stamp, love the little swirls and the twine detail!! just gorgeous as always!!

    Hugs Juls!

  12. Beautiful colours and beautifully stamped and I love the little bundle of flowers too. Its a gorgeous card Brenda.

    Love Lynda xxx

    PS I love sprouts!

  13. This is fabulous. I love the way you've overstamped onto the image. It ties it in so well and the colours, stamps and papers used are fab.
    Personally, I love sprouts but they have to have the frost on them first. Saying that - I can't abide frozen sprouts.
    Have a great day.
    Beryl xx

  14. Hi Brenda, your card is stunning! Love your stamping :) The way you use the swirls and colours is awseome!
    (Sorry to say, I´m not much for sprouts, but I eat them, hehe.)

    Take care,

  15. Gorgeous card Brenda xx jo xx

  16. Sprouts? Yuck! Card? Stunning!! Weather? Same as yours! ;o)

    When you say you'll be at Sir Stampalot all day, that's up to what time exactly? After I've finished running my mum around to the shops and back, I may be able to make it back from Ramsey in time.

    Chris xx

  17. What a gorgeous take on the challenge, the colours are so soft and beautiful! Thanks for laying along with CCC.

  18. Beautiful! I love the colours,Brenda! That leaf swirl is so versatile!

  19. Lovely card Brenda, great stamping effect. Hope your feeling ok. janex

  20. So clever love the colour! Oh so tempted to hop in the car and come up for the day you never know one of these days :)

    Are you all recovered and back to yourself now and how is Barnie?

  21. Hi Brenda
    This is stunning!!!
    Hope you have fully recovered?
    Take care hun
    Debs xx

  22. Love this card Brenda that image and your techniques are just so wonderful.

    Lorraine x

  23. just love the muted efects and the colours beautiful as always love chris xx

  24. Oh what a beautiful card Brenda. I'm another fan who wishes she lived in your area! I would so love to come and watch you demo or ever better get to one of your classes.

    Oh well, never mind I'll just have to keep following your blog!

    Lesley Xx

  25. Oh this is gorgeous, wonderful work. I would love to come and watch you demo but you a bit too far away.

  26. A beautiful card Brenda - lovely to come home to lots of wonderful eye candy. Enjoying catching up with everyones creations! Cheers Claire x

  27. Wonderful card,Brenda!Beautiful details!
    Have a great day:)


  28. Thanks for your lovely comments I do love visiting your blog gorjuss colours on this card.
    Christine x

  29. This is so all the details.

  30. A beautiful card for this weeks thanks a bunch theme Brenda, thanks for joining in the fun with us at Cupcake :) Donna x

  31. Thanks for visiting my blog (10/9/09). I really love this card! I love the collage look the most and this one is just beautiful!

  32. What a stunning card! I love all the different green tones and the many different background stamps you used!
    Thanks for playing with us this week at Cupcake Craft Challenges!
    Kathrin aka Kruemel

  33. Hi Brenda, what a gorgeous card. Love the image and the colour scheme is fab. The flowers and twine are a great touch. Thanks for joining us at CCC this week. Hugs, Denise x

  34. This is breathtakingly gorgeous, perfect in every way, Thanks for joining us at Cupcake this week. Hugs Pops x

  35. A fabulous card. Thanks for joining us at CCC.

    Liza x
