
Monday 28 September 2009

We've all heard the one about needing a good vet, well that's the only way things can go here at the moment. The face is on the mend, but now I have a 'girly' problem, so more doctors and pills.......can you all hear the rattle ?

Needless to say Mr Mojo is nowhere to be found even if I felt like crafting which if I am honest I don't, so to keep things a bit alive, here is a fairly quick and simple one I did for Stampalot a week or two back using one of the new Christmas sets from Inkadinkado 98396. All of the stamping was done with versamark and embossed with Sticky Stuff, then brushed over with gold and green Perfect Pearls and some cerise crafting foil pressed on here and there. The border is Martha Stewart embossed zigzag.


  1. Fairly quick and simple maybe, but absolutely gorgeous, those colours are fantastic. And i'm sure you'll be feeling better fairly soon, sending you some love Brenda.
    love Tracy x

  2. WOW! This is so gorgeous! Brilliant colors! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  3. This is stunning, Brenda, love the bird and the design! Love it! Hugs Nilla

  4. Love the rich, sparkly colours on this one Brenda its fab.

    Just take whatever time it needs to get yourself better properly - we'll still be here!!! Take care and I hope you're getting plenty of TLC. I know I sound like Old Mother Hen but I can't help it lol.

    Love Lynda xxxx

  5. What a beautiful stamp this is, lovely colours too, do you spray the perfect pearls after?

  6. This is beautiful Brenda, I love the effect with the perfect pearls.
    So sorry to hear you have new ailments - I wish you a speedy recovery.
    Clare x

  7. Sorry to hear things are still not improving for you - hope they do very soon. This is a beautiful card. I do love those Inkadinkado stamps.

  8. Lovely card beautiful colours. Finally made it to the Post Office with your picture. Hope you are feeling more like yourself soon. Take care Claire x

  9. Its a lovely card and very effective. Its just one darn thing after another is'nt it but spring is on the way and long before then you'll be back to yourself. (((hugs)))

  10. Hi Brenda! Nice to meet you! Love your card!


  11. Hi Brenda
    Sorry to hear things not getting any better - be patient, have plenty of rest and keep your chin up hun and I'm sure 'normal' service will resume very soon.
    This project is absolutely stunning - as all your work always is. Mr mojo is probably just having a very well earned rest - make the most of it and look after yourself.
    Positive wishes for a speddy recivery are being sent your way xoxoxoxox
    Debs xx

  12. This is beautiful,Brenda!Gorgeous colours!
    Have a wonderful Monday:)


  13. Such a beautiful card. Your work is always so elegant. Love it! Sorry that you're having such a ratty time of it. I'll be sending so I hope you'll feel better soon. hugs, eileen

  14. Hi Brenda! I'm so glad to have found your blog!

    Cath from Moxie Fab World

  15. Hi Brenda,
    Sorry your still under the weather hope you feel better soon...I know the feeling with mr mojo i had a bad fall last week so i am typing with one hand and not doing any card making. take care.

    Mandy xx

  16. Aww sending Hugs ,,but Quick one??? wish my quick ones looked like that!

    Liz xx

  17. Hi, you have a lovley blog, hope your feeling better soon. x x

  18. Evening Brenda. I wondered what that rattling noise was!!! Oh dear, you are in the wars. I do hope things improve very soon. It seems to be the way of things when you've got one thing, everything else thinks it'll join in, not very funny!!!! Keep taking the pills and make sure you keep your feet up and let everyone else look after you.
    I love your card. The perfect pearls are stunning.
    Hope to hear your feeling better soon.


  19. Keep taking the pills, honey, and no jumping up and down!!! Seriously, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you are soon on the mend. The card is stunning, and I hope you get your mojo back soon x

  20. This is gorgeous Brenda. Your bird os just beautiful!

  21. Wow, it's gorgeous. Hope you're feeling better soon :)
    Louise x

  22. Oh Brenda, I bet you're feeling proper fed up! I do hope you feel better soon.

    That card is gorgeous and such a subtle way to use vibrant colours.

    Lesley Xx

  23. Love your blog! Hope you feel better soon:}

  24. What a gorgeous image - love that one. Hope you feel better soon hun!
    |Lesley x

  25. Great image, and wonderful colours - so unusual and pretty.

    Hope your lady bits get better soon!

    Chris xx
