
Friday 11 September 2009

News........By the Cute and Girly

Well, what exciting news I have, been itching to tell you all but wanted to check first that I can share my excitement. Yesterday I was asked by the lovely Jane to join her DT........she has been working very hard preparing her new challenge By the Cute and Girly - what a great name. And she has some great candy on offer as well, so you really should go over and check it out.
Jane has some great ideas and really has been doing her homework and I think this one is going to offer the opportunity for all types of crafters to join in. She has invited a wonderful talented team to join her and I feel very privileged to have been asked to work alongside the other girls. More information will be posted very soon so do keep an eye open for details as they unfold.

No card this morning yet, too excited still, so instead a picture of one of the beautiful dahlias in the garden. My husband informs me this variety is called Kelvin Floodlight and I have to say I think these are the largest dahlia blooms I have ever seen, each one is much larger than an outstretched hand - must be all the rain this year because they have grown like triffids.


  1. Congratulations on your DT place


  2. Hi Brenda or should I say TEAMIE, it will be lovely to work with you. Love the flowers, haven't got one in my garden thanks to my little dog!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Can you hear my excitement for you? xx

  4. Hi...I am so excited for you..I was the same waiting to check with Jane before shouting if from the rooftops!! I have always admired your creations..can't believe we are going to be working together!!!

  5. Hi Brenda

    Many, many congratulations. I am sure you are going to have great fun.

    Hope you aren't going to get too confused now .. .. a teamie called Juls on one challenge blog and Jules on another!!! LOL!!!!

    Take care

    Love Jules xx

  6. Oh,congratulations on your DT!
    Those flowers are amazing!
    Have a wonderful evening,Brenda:)


  7. Congratulations! They are so lucky to have someone with your talent on their team! And, those flowers are incredible. hugs, eileen

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry Brenda!
    I made a spelling mistake last post,
    I am so fond of you and Jane you have both given me so much encouragement and kindness and made me carry on after I encountered really nasty peeps on the net!Thank you both for that!
    Jane is so right choosing her team this way, and knowing her team can always churn out breathtaking work! I wish you both luck hope your team will be the biggest and best on the net! I will def follow and try my very best to join in every time God be with u both and thanks again for my comments and encouragement
    PS//Your flowers are beautiful thanks for sharing
    Hugs Liz xx

  10. Great news Brenda. Congratulations so well deserved.
    Wow you Dahlias are superb, I'm so envious. I had planed a splash of Autumn colour and grew lots of Dahlias in the greenhouse but as soon as they were planted out the slugs had a party and my poor plants now look quite sorry for themselves although they are still flowering bravely but nothing like yours!!


  11. Congratulations this one looks special but then there is no doubt that you will add your own special style to the team.

  12. Hi Brenda many congrats on your DT posting well deserved.. my hubby used to grow dahlias but we dont seem to have the right soil in this garden..grown fuschias for a long time now.

    hugs Christine xx

  13. Congratulations! I think it must be a good year for Dahlias. My dads are huge, too. Unfortunately the fox or some sqirrels dug mine up on a daily basis and then seems to have eaten them!

  14. Congrats! Those Dahlias are so awesome! Beth

  15. Hi Brenda. Congratulations.xx Hope you have lots of fun. :-) Stunning flowers. Soooo cheerful. Good Luck. Have a lovely weekend. Gez.xx

  16. Congratulations Brenda, its well deserved, I love your work, and will look forward to seeing your new creations for the DT


  17. Lovely news - well done you!
    Lesley x

  18. Hi Brenda
    Just been having a look round your blog. Fantastic work. I love the stuff you do. Boy, if only I'd been into crafting this much when I still lived in Cambridgeshire. So near to Sir Stampalot, Stamp addicts and so much more. Did go to Stamp Addicts for the first time a few weeks ago though when I was staying with my niece. Look forward to getting to know you better.
    Beryl xx

  19. Beautiful flowers and congrats for being on this new DT....

  20. Congratulations on the DT Brenda. It's very well deserved as you always create beautiful inspirational work.

    Your dahlias are wonderful. I used to have about 40 all different but then the slugs got a hold and I haven't had even one try to come through this year so I'm really envious.

    Lesley Xx
