
Sunday 23 August 2009

Rosie Dees challenge

Time for this weeks sneak peek of the new Rosie Dees challenge which goes live today along with the reveal of my DT card for last weeks challenge where the theme was "Sun". Lots of entries this week and it's been fun visiting all your blogs.
Here's what I did to create my card, a bit offbeat perhaps but I had the idea of the large sun and worked out from there. I used gloss cardstock and created the sun by cutting a circle in a piece of A4 paper on the Cricut, placed it on the cardstock and brayered over the aperture with Stayzon sunflower and pumpkin. To create the mountains I tore a piece of copy paper and laid it on the cardstock (from the top downwards if that makes sense - so you are covering the top section of card) and brayerd first with hydrangea, moved the torn piece down and across to give a more random finish and brayered again with violet. Note: I find it best to roll the excess off the brayer on a piece of scrap paper first so the colour is softer - you can always go back and built it up if you want a more intense finish.

From there on I stamped birds, trees and leaves with Art Impression G3232/G2770/B3020/AA891/F2055. The castle is Artstamps F0047M and the fairy Rubberdubberdoo (no number afraid). I added stickles and glitter and punched and threaded three butterflies across the bottom.


  1. gorgeous! Love your brayering techniques!

  2. Love the card I can't believe when I did my brayering (mountains) I had the paper the wrong way it makes perfect sence the way you have explained (hopefully no one noticed) lol

    Eagerly awaiting pt 2 of the GM Tutorial

    I have so lost my mojo recently I sat at my table with time on my hands and couldn't do anything I had lost it complete blank I coloured in a stamped image and that was it oh well lets hope it comes bk soon I havent posted sice the 16th it's all too much, maybe I should do a challenge

    Love Dawn xx

  3. Oh I love it Brenda, all very technical to me though, love the idea of using a brayer but have never had a go. Need to get one first of course lol.

  4. I've not tried using my Brayer with Stazon. Do you use a speedball? If so, how do you clean it?
    For a second there I thought those were more Lavinia stamps...I have some very similar birds and leaves!

  5. beautiful card, so much work but so worth it :)

  6. Brenda

    I love this, I have some of those stamps but havent used them yet. Thank you so much for your comments on my blog, appreciated, don't worry about the spelling, its absolutely fine, I knew what you meant! thank you. Julia.x.

  7. This is exquisite. Brenda thank you for popping inot my blog today and leaving me a message. Much appeciated. I've been having a nose around your blogs too. Lovely work.
    Lesley x

  8. This is beautiful! I love the contract of the black and white and the color.



  9. This is stunning Brenda. The brayered sun and mountains look amazing. I really must ink up my brayer some day!
    Clare x
