
Sunday 16 August 2009

Back Home to meet Bernie and an award for all my blogging friends

Good morning one and all, well where do I start ? The holiday was fab, Mr Blogger played along and I want to say a huge thank you to all my blogging buddies for continuing to visit me........and leaving me so many awards which I deal with shortly.

But a bit of news first, the fellow in this picture is called Bernie and he was here to greet us when we got home. One of our sons has agreed to offer a home to Bernie who is four and came from the RSPCA rescue centre. It sounds as though he's had a pretty traumatic life so far and much as we were surprised by his arrival, you all know me and animals ! The three labs look so small against him but seem to be getting along OK, so now we all need to help build Bernie's confidence - he's afraid of the dark, very quiet and needs lots and lots of love, so he's come to the right place.

This picture does not really give credit to Bernies size so planning one or two with the labs to get things into perspective and will post later.

On the the awards, it's always lovely to receive them and to come back from holiday to so many........nine it absolutely amazing and I can't thank you all enough. They come from: Shirley, Lynda, Dawn, Tracy, Sarah, Mel, Cherry,
As I have said lots of times before, I find the passing on part so so hard and I know lots of your share this problem. I would really like to pass these awards on to all the lovely people I have 'met' through blogland as a thank you for their continued support and encouragement.
I know I am repeating myself here, but I believe crafting is a continual learning curve and we all draw inspiration from one another, that's what it's all about. I know I am a coward for avoiding the decision making so instead of passing these awards on individually, they are awarded to all my blogging friends........this might not be in the 'rules' but will give me so much pleasure and hope those visiting will fee able to accept and lift one (or more) as a personl thank you from me.

Now to the nasty part of holidays, washing and putting everything away, then hopefully some crafting. I usually find it really hard after a holiday and the creative juices run a bit slow, but I do have some new products waiting to be used so am hopeful they will help Mr Mojo get back into action quickly. And I do have my Rosie Dees challenge card and sneak peek to post which I did before the hols so will post that shortly to get things moving along.


  1. Welcome back. while Mr Blogger was a good boy and posted for you, it's nice to know you are here and posting for yourself. Bernie is a beauty. I'm such a big old fool for dogs!!! Glad you had such a good time. Hope you felt fabulous the entire trip. I will lift an award, thank you so much. hugs, eileen

  2. Glad your back hun, hope you had a great time, looking on my blog and this gorgeous boys pic popped up, I love him!what I want to know is will he be living with you and how many dogs do you have? just imagine him next to my 2 toy poodles, they love big dogs as long as there gentle , I had a friend who had a phyranyan mountain dog, and they walked together great. janex

  3. Welcome home! Sounds like you had a fab time. Hope you are soon brimming over with mojo, with a calm and contented Bernie at your feet!

  4. Lucky Bernie, life may not have been kind in the past but suspect he has come up trumps this time. you have horses? you have room for a big boy to stretch his legs :)

    Welcome home, we missed you.

  5. Hi Brenda,

    so glad your home safe and sound. What a beautiful dog (Bernie) so sad when people take these on and do not understand just what time care & love they need. ( I am sure he will find it with you)

    We have a rescue Dita, I would love more but I have a small home if it was bigger I would have more as hubby loves walking the dog, we have often thought of another and maybe one day we will but I huge dog like Bernie would be out of the question.

    I am so glad he has found a loving home look fwd to the photos. You will have to tell me how you schedual blogger I have had a look through but can't seen to find it (handy to know)

    You have been responsible for a few purchases lol (not blaming you) I would like to have a chat to you about glimmer mist if you don't mind aas these could be the next thing on my list to buy. I have an e-mail it's on my blog.

    Again so sorry to go on look fwd to chatting again missed you

    Love Dawn xx

  6. Hi Brenda

    Welcome home.

    Bernie looks gorgeous. What a surprise to come home to.

    So glad you had a lovely holiday and that Mr Blogger has been kind to you during your absence.

    Love Jules xx

  7. Can't wait to see more of Bernie, I love St Bernards. That was the breed I wanted but the Hubby and kids won and we got 2 rough collies. But guess what it's all about the dog and not the breed. I call my dogs my boys they follow me everywhere and sit at the side of my desk when i'm crafting.
    Glad you returned safely and I have enjoyed all that you left with Mr Blogger.
    I will take an award thank you Brenda.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Hi Brenda, so glad you had a wonderful holiday and that your back home safe and sound. What a lovely surprise for you to find the gorgeous Bernie on your return am sure he'll have a very happy life now with you. I just love animals and can't understand how anyone could hurt them.
    Loved looking at all of your creations whilst you was away and congrats on all of the awards - they are all very well deserved!!
    Love Lynda xxx

  9. welcome back,isnt Bernie a hunk for a dog!! xx jo xx

  10. Welcome back - I'm glad you had a nice holiday! Congrats on all the blog awards, you deserve them! Your new dog is adorable - it is wonderful that you are going to rescue him! Good luck with Bernie - I look forward to seeing more photos of him!


  11. Ah so thats your new baby, hes rather a big one, but I know whatever size your baby is hes going to be spoilt, Im sure he will be very happy in his new home. I know what you mean about passing on awards, they are so lovely to receive but so hard to pass on, Im always worried I will miss someone out, so I try to share them around all my followers. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Hello Brenda

    So pleased you are home safe and well, and what a homecoming. Bernie, is so gorgeous and adorable (how can you tell I love dogs.
    congratulations on the awards you deserve them so much.


  13. Brenda, Bernie is just beautiful, I know he is big, but what a lot of love to get....he is one lucky dog to have found such a good home...good luck. Hugs Avril xxx
