
Friday 10 July 2009

Stamping for the Weekend

Well, what can I say, me and my big mouth, why opt for an easy option when it's so simple to make it tough. During my visit to Sir Stampalot ........ yes just a few cream cakes today to make the coffee go down ....... I indulged in some more Sarah Kay and was on my way home to play when I spied a rather nice looking new Magenta stamp 14315.O ........ oh says me "I can use that for this weeks Stamping for the Weekend" ........ so that was it, my challenge from boss man Andy ........ that'll teach me to check out what the challenge is before I jump in with both feet ....... because check I did when I got home ........ it's "Strawberries dipped in Chocolate" and here's me with this lovely new floral stamp.

So, think outside the box here girl, red, brown, earth colours. I took a piece of ivory linen cardstock and randomly stamped with Versafine sepia and Brilliance red using Hero script H2365 and art script G2678, Magenta crackle background 32090M and Inkadinkado swirls 97682, then the main Magenta image which I stamped three times, onto the cardstock, red bazzil and acetate, cutting each layer slightly smaller. I punched three strawberries ........ they were not obligatory but thought why not, overstamping them them with Creative Expresion JN28 to give the effect of the seeds - this came as part of a set years ago and I think this is it's first outing, clearly it was intended for this purpose.

I inked some tiny leaves cut on Cricut storybook with Brilliance ivy and thyme and embossed them with detail clear and arranged the strawberries. Finally I stamped Hero A4981 onto shrink plastic for the centres of the flowers - I've been meaning to get this little stamp for ages and finally did today.

Tomorrow I'll do some more with this lovely stamp.


  1. Wow this is just gorgeous! Love the center of those buttons...just fantastic! And yes, Blogger has been having lots of issues lately.

  2. What a lovely card, the centre of the flower is lovely, In my favourite colour too RED.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  3. This really is a lovely stamp and you have worked it in with the theme so well, you clever thing!


  4. There's a wigan saying, it'll be reat, meaning it will turn out all right and low and behold a wonderful ,classy , gorgeous card, reeking of strawberry and chocolate and you know that great stamp will be so useful, they all are! .janex

  5. Hi Brenda
    WOW this simply stunning and your 'instructions' are really well put together. You are a very talented lady.
    Have a great weekend.
    Debs xx

  6. Wonderful, Brenda. Very creative.

  7. This is really lovely! I need to come up with something in these colours for a wedding card this weekend! I know it sounds a bit odd, but the train of her dress is red, and they are having red and ivory roses.

  8. Hi Brenda

    This is fantastic. You put so much effort and thought into your creations.

    Those flowers are just delicious.

    Catch you soon.

    Love Jules xx

  9. Well it sounds as if you have had some lovely treats Brenda, I am so glad you picked up this new Magenta stamp because you have created an absolute beautiful card. The stamped background looks amazing, but the main flower image is totally gorgeous, I love this card. Thank you so much for taking part with this weeks challenge over at SFTW, good luck and hopefully you will be able to join us again xx vicki xx

  10. never mind strawberries, the flowers looks good enough to eat!! isn't it amazing how these stamps just have to go home with you, well done Brenda love chris xx

  11. wow love this hun its amazing love the stamp its just beautiful stuning outcome lots love cherylxxxx

  12. Hi Brenda! You've created a beautiful card with your new, Magenta stamp and perfect for the challenge, even though you didn't check it first. :) Those strawberries are such a nice detail and what beautiful flowers.
    Thank you for joining us at SFTW and good luck!
    We hope you'll join us again next week!

  13. what a stunning card, I luv it.....gorgeous!

    I have blog candy to offer, I hope you check it out....hehehehe

    enjoy *~*

  14. Wow, beautiful work and a lot of it too!! Love it! Have you checked out the new challenge blog, coming in August, There's Magic In The Air??? Hugs Nilla

  15. WOW this is stunning, beautiful flowers.

  16. Wow Brenda, those are gorgeous flowers, I can see why you wanted that stamp, and the centres of the flowers look fabulous, what a great idea for centres. Love the background you have stamped, what a really beautifully created card, and those three strawberries in the corner are truly a nice touch.
    Thank you for participating in the "Stampin' for the Weekend" challenge again this week.. Good luck and we hope you'll continue to join in on the challenges on a weekly basis. Have a great day.
    Donna xx

  17. An absolute stunner of a card - its fabulous!
    Lynda xxx

  18. What a stunning card Brenda.
    You have put a lot of work into it and I love how you have thought outside of the box. Beautiful stamp (I can see why you too it home) and your layout and layering is fabulous!
    Thank you for playing along with us this week over at "Stampin' for the Weekend' We hope you had fun making your card and that you come and play again next week! Good Luck.


  19. Wowee your card is awesome Brenda. Plenty treats for you between cream cakes and this gorgeous stamp so now it is time for my treat viewing this wonderful creation. I love the layers of your flower and the acetate looks fabulous, fab background stamping and perfect finishing touch with your strawberries.
    Thank you for joining us again at "Stampin´for the Weekend" and I look forward to more of your wonderful creations.
    Nicola -x-

  20. I am glad you got this stamp this card is gorgeous and it fits perfectly for the challenge. I like the extra strawberies in the corner to just to confirm the theme :)
    Thank you for joining us at stampin' for the weekend and good luck.

    X Amy X
