
Thursday 23 July 2009

Sir Stampalot classes

More classes at Sir Stampalot tomorrow using My Minds Eye DP's, Hobby Art, Hero Arts, Penny Black and Inkadinkadoo stamps. Here are a couple of the samples I have designed for the class and which the girls will be making.

The main image on the top card is Hobby Art FL1910E, stamped with versafine sepia and embossed with detail clear. The flower at the bottom left of the card has been made up using the smaller flower stamped out three times and layered up to create the single bloom. All flowers have been lightly coloured with Marvy pens and glittered using a quickie glue pen and crystal glitter. The buds have been cut on Cricut storybook and the dots on the main image traced with liquid pearls.

The second card uses the large bird stamp and buds from Hero Arts CL3318 and again stamped with Versafine sepia and embossed with detail clear. The buds were stamped onto he same My Minds Eye DP's and cut out - a bit time consuming but will keep the girls awake !! The frame is cut from Bazzil using a nesite frame run through the bug and the edge the reverse of the PD punched with Fiskars threading water.


  1. Great cards for your samples Brenda, I love the stamp in the first one and the frame you've used for the second one is growing on me more and more each time I see it.
    I hope tomorrow is a good day for you.
    Clare x

  2. Oh Brenda, your cards are lovely, youve been really busy the colours are really balanced, and the images are gorgeous. with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  3. Love both your cards but that bird is glorious! Cheers Claire x

  4. I've seen these cards somewhere else today!!
    and admired them then. Love the colours they make a nice change . Have a good day tomorrow I hope you work harder than we have today!! love Chrisxx

  5. Two gorgeous cards,

    Psat xx

  6. love the colour change here very nice

    Love Dawn xx

  7. Evening Brenda. More stunning cards. I love them both. Your class is going to have a lot of fun with these. Have a great day.


  8. wow hun amazing cards again love the deatil just fabulous lots love cheryl xxxxxxxxxx

  9. Fabby cards and lovely colours too - your class will love making these. Enjoy your day!
    Love Lynda xxx

  10. Cool cards makes me really sorry about living so far way. The class will have a whale of a time making these.

  11. Oooh these are fab. I too wish I lived closer. I bet the class had a brilliant time today.

    Lesley Xx

  12. Fabulous cards! Great idea of in every card changes patten and colour. It design and decoration looking amazing. Thanks for sharing your ideas..
