
Saturday 11 July 2009

Rosie Dees challenge

This week saw the announcement of the new DT team at Rosie Dees challenge, to which I was luck enough to have been selected. Doo go check them out and have a go.

My DT card takes on a slightly vintage look although that was not the intention originally ....... I coloured the butterfly with Twinkling H2o's and it sort of went from there. The image is from Artful Stamper 11785m it's a stamp I've had for years, so not sure if it's still available, but the swirls are spot on for the current crafting trends. The image was stamped twice onto ivory linen cardstock using Versafine sepia and clear embossing powder. I tore down a section round the butterfly and distressed the edges then overlaid as a spotlight matching the swirls. I roughed up the edges of the main piece, ran versamark along them and dipped into detail gold embossing powder.

The leaves were cut from Cricut Storybook, the flowers are from a punch and all were coloured with the same Twinkling H2o's, then overstamped with Hero H2365 to add a but of dimension, then pearls added to the centres. The greeting is Woodware FRCL128. Finally, I added some ribbon and a small stick pin with matching pearls from Spellbound.


  1. OMG, Brenda, your card is beautiful. I love the elegant llok and the colors... Great work. Hugs and happy weekend...Silke

  2. Hi Brenda

    Love your card.

    The colours you have used are great and a really lovely image.

    It must have taken ages to do all those tiny little flowers! They finish your card of beautifully.

    Love Jules xx

  3. Hi! Lovely card, Brenda! The image is beautiful :)

    Have a great weekend :)

    Hugs, Kari :)

  4. Your card is so lovely, and the colours are so nice.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  5. Oh you never fail to impress me with your wonderful use of stamps and this is just so gorgeous I love it the colours are perfect.

    Lorraine x

  6. I love this Brenda, especially how you've lifted the butterfly from the main stamp and then used the punched flowers and swirls to trail off the white card. Simply gorgeious.
    Clare x

  7. Gorgeous card Brenda! Really pretty butterfly and lovely colors,

  8. This is such an elegant card. Congrats on the DT position! I'm going to try to play along with the sketch this week...hope I make it in time!

  9. Congratulations on DT position! Beautiful card and thanks for popping by to visit my blog! Cheers Claire x

  10. I just love the way the butterfly extends beyond the square! So cute!
