
Thursday 30 July 2009

Magenta elegance

This is likely to be the last 'proper' post I get round to before we take to the high seas until 17th August.........but I have done lots of scheduled posts so by the magic of Mr Blogger you should still see some new stuff arriving here every few days. Unfortunately I wont have Internet access so aplos I shall not be visiting any of you until we get home........I was hoping to take my laptop for that purpose, but the idea didn't go down too well with my family.......can't imagine why.

The one I am sharing here is from the new sample board created for Sir Stampalot last week using some of the elegant Magenta stamps they have for sale along with My Minds Eye DP's, plus a little bit of Basic Grey. The image has been made up using six of the stamps in the Magenta CSET29 set, all are butterfly orientated and include several inchies.
I arranging the stamps on an acrylic block then stamped out on to the Basic Grey DP using Versafine sepia and embossed with detail clear. The butterfly stamped onto vellum is also from the set. Scalloped borders were pounced using Fiskars threading water punch and some ribbon and pearls added to embellish.


  1. your cards are getting more and more amaizing!

  2. this is very lovely Brenda , Have a great Holiday and get a good rest, and we will look forward to your return. I'm sure ideas will be bubbling away while you're gone, we will wait with anticipation of all that renewed energy, (not that you could have much more, you always seem to have so much)see you soon love chris xx

  3. Beautiful card Brenda.

    Hope you have an amazing holiday. See you when you get back xxx

  4. Hello Brenda

    Beautiful and elegant card Brenda.
    Enjoy your holiday. Enjoy your rest and relaxiation and look forward to seeing your creations whilst you are away.


  5. such a gorgeous card! Love the autumnal colours!

  6. Beautiful, Brenda, love how you punched your borders ... a nice twist. Enjoy your vacation. I look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return.

    Jo xx

  7. This is beautiful Brenda, I love how you have arranged the stamps together.
    Have a fantastic holiday - I hope
    you manage to get some rest although that's often what's needed after a holiday!
    I'll look forward to seeing your scheduled posts.
    Clare x

  8. Hi Brenda. This is a lovely card, as always. I love how you've shaded the colours.
    Hope you have a really lovely holiday, I think you must definitely be in need of it.
    Clever you scheduling posts, you're a better blogger than me, I haven't mastered that so my blog will be very quiet for awhile as I have been banned from taking the laptop too!!!!


  9. Great card,Brenda! Wonderful colors and love the butterfly:)
    Have a great vacation:)


  10. Hi Brenda, Super card and I can tell you are in holiday mood - the colours remind me of sand and sea! Hope you have a fantastic holiday - you certainly deserve it.

    Love Lynda xxx

  11. Have a great time Brenda sure will miss ya

    Liz xx

  12. Have a wonderful restful holiday, remember the idea of a holiday is to get away from it all, that might just include us lot :) Already looking forward to all the new ideas you come back with it will be really inspirational.

    Sorry almost forgot the card which is great Love the colours and the way you have laid the stamps out togather + theres a butterfly perfect.


  13. Hi Brenda this is one gorgeous creation I adore the colours and design and love the image.

    I have left a little something for you on my blog

    Lorraine x

  14. Brenda gorgeous card.
    Have a fantastic holiday xx jo xx

  15. this is really lovely! I will have to get some of my magenta stamps out and have a play x

  16. Stunning card. The colours are gorgeous and I love the butterfly. Lee xx
