
Friday 3 July 2009

Look who came to visit

We were quietly sitting watching Andy's match........ drat - ARod just took the first set......when this little fellow poked his head through the patio windows, he soon took off again when George decided to check him out - think it's the first hedgie he's encountered so thought it looked fair game. I managed to get a couple of pictures of him as he bustled away into some shrubs - doesn't really show in the piccies, but he was really tiny about the size of the palm of your hand.


  1. He is gorgeous. Love hedgehogs they are so cute. The same happened to me and that's how I got my profile picture. Love your work, Brenda and your blog. XXX

  2. Hi Brenda. Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my blog. I'm so glad you found it - now I can come and visit yours! Love your Friday Sketchers card, gorgeous colour combination.

  3. hi hun just finished watching the tennis oh poor andy I am so gutted that he is not going to be in the final,nearly in tears daft I know loving pictures of the hedgies we have them in our garden too thanks for your kind comments on my work hun really appreciate your time as for the embossing its the new double do machine that I bought of qvc,if you need any more info please let me know lots love cheryl xxxxxxx

  4. Hi I once found one in my garden, couldnt understand how he got in as it was completely fenced of, anyway I managed to pick him up and put him somewhere he could escape to. With love and hugs Shirlexyxx

  5. Aw, ain't he cute!

    We had one in our garden a couple of nights ago but I wish we hadn't. We have a 1 year old Jack Russell/Dachsund cross who took great exception to his garden being invaded at 1.00 am and decided to tell the whole neighbourhood. He might only be little but boy, does he have some bark on him.

    Anyway, thank you for your visit to my blog and your lovely comment Brenda. I've had a good look round your great webspace and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. I've joined your merry band of followers too.

    Lesley Xx

  6. Sorry Brenda, Google's playing up at the moment and won't let me join the followers so I'll be back later to try again.

    Lesley Xx

  7. We're gutted Murraymint lost too, still maybe Roddick can give Federer a good run for his money, he has had things far too easy this year, please hurry up and get well Nadal! Yes I do love the tennis if you hadn't already guessed. Hewitt has been my hero this year and he is so darn good looking!!!!
    Sorry, where was I, oh yes, Hedgehogs!!!! Your photos are lovely Brenda. You were so lucky to see him in daylight. Whenever we get them it is always too dark to take any photos.
    Have a lovely weekend!


  8. Hi Brenda, pleased to meet you. Love your blog and your creations. Just adore that gorgeous little Hedgie.
    Thank-you for your comments on my blog.

    Hugs Sandie

  9. What lovely photos. My mum had one the other night and her dog wouldn't come inside, but was too scared to approach it because of the prickles!!! Weird :) xx

  10. How cool! We were in England two years ago and I really wanted to see a hedge hog but our friends said they just aren't around any more. Too many people. Thanks for sharing and thanks for becoming a follower of mine.

  11. WOW - how neat! They are such unusual little creatures...

  12. Awwwww I want one - he/she's so cute!!!
    Lynda xxx
