
Wednesday 1 July 2009

Cummon Andy - ABC challenge

Well my take on this really is just a bit of fun ........ the theme at ABC this week is "U for United States, you can choose anything that includes red white and blue, stars, stripes..." I thought patriotic of course, but as our UK Union Flag also sports the same colours, I decided to stay this side of the pond and I hope my take on the challenge will be acceptable.

Not too much artistry here, an image of Andy downloaded from the web, Penny Black 3659 stamped down the edge with blue Brilliance to represent tennis balls and two little inchies from Inkadinkao 98852 of a rising sun, hopefully a new dawn on Andy's first Wimbledon victory ........ but please Andy, try and do it in three sets, Monday night was a real nailbiter.

The DP is Doodlebug and I inked and embossed three large brads to represent red white and blue as per the requirements. Lettering was cut on Cricut Plantin Schoolbook and the sentiment Art Impression G353.


  1. Great card. Sounds like you are starting to feel better. hugs, eileen

  2. What a fantastic take on the challange, it's great.


  3. This is a great idea, Brenda. Come On Murray!!!!


  4. This is a wonderful idea and perfect for any tennis fan.
    Thanks for joining in at the ABC challenge this week.
    Jen x

  5. Fab card - great take on the Challenge!
    I could hardly bear to watch the match today!
    Thanks for joining us at the ABC Challenge this week!
    Helen x
