
Saturday 18 July 2009

Allsorts challend 10

Good morning everyone, how time flies ....... doesn't seem possible it's week ten already at Allsorts ........ which must mean only two weeks to my hols ....... getting so excited, cases down from the loft this week. So need to get well ahead next week and schedule some posts and do DT work so I don't need to take my laptop - did have a mind to take it but strictly forbidden I have been told in no uncertain terms. Ah well, perhaps be able to slop off into the cyberspace for an hour here and there.

Back to Allsorts and we are so pleased that you keep coming back to show us your fantastic creations and of course a chance to win some of the great candy that has been on offer. This week Emma has set you a bit of a challenge - use only one of everything, so that means one image, DP, flowers, brad or whatever else you decide to use on your project there can only be one of each. And what about the prize on offer this week - a two week guest DT spot for one lucky person. Good or what ?

For my DT card I have gone for one of my favourite stamps from Hero Arts - S5033, which I have stamped with versafine black and embossed with detail clear powder onto a Glimmer Misted background of lemon zest and lily pad. I cut my image into three and mounted onto black cardstock then green which I punched along the bottom with Fiskars threading water. Even I nearly got caught out here as I was going to add black gems between the holes, then remembered - only one !

The strip of DP is Kaiser, the scroll cut on Cricut home accents, inked with Brilliance thyme and embossed with detail clear. I coloured the flower which was ivory very lightly with the same green brilliance ink, added a button and a piece of wire and ribbon round the image.


  1. Hello Brenda

    Another fabulous card, love the colours and how you have done the background. Fantastic.


  2. Oh..lovely card,Brenda! Great colors!
    Have a wonderful weekend:)

  3. Hi Brenda,

    I haven't been on alsorts for a few weeks but is doesn't stop me coming to look at your wonderful cards. I love the work that goes into them (I even think of getting some glimmer mists on the strength of your cards lol) but don't know if it would be for me. However, I can always come see yours and I love them all

    Love Dawn xx

  4. hi Brenda that card is simply stunning

  5. Wow those panels look beautiful! Love the colors that you've gone with. It looks very elegant. Wonderful card :D
    - Ann

  6. Ooh, holidays are so exciting.

    Love your card. The panels are so striking. I'd never think to do that.

    You've inspired me to order some scenic stamps (getting acrylic as I'm not brave enough to use wood-backed!!), so I may be tapping you for some hints and tips once you get back.

  7. i thought the dt cards at allsorts were just amazing this week, i commented on that blog, your floral cards put mine to shame Brenda, you are the queen of flora , i'm a pretty good gardener though and have dirty hands to prove it. janex

  8. Another beautiful card Brenda - I love how you've done the background and the panels are a great idea.
    Love Lynda xxx

  9. Hi Brenda,
    I just adore this colour combination and your stamp is gorgeous. Great layout too.
    Jen x

  10. Hi Brenda, Beautiful card! I love the stamped image and the flower really adds the finishing touch.

    Lisa x

  11. this is stunning hun love the stamp really stands out love cheryl xxxxxxx

  12. Congratulations

    liz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. This is gorgeous! I love the image!


  14. Hi Brenda

    A beautiful card.

    Such lovely colours and I love the effect you have gained by glimmer misting the background before stamping.

    I really need to experiment more!!!

    You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    Love Jules xx
