
Sunday 7 June 2009

Roses in the garden

Good evening everyone, still rather lean on the creativity I'm afraid. Feeling more than a little under the weather, no weekend challenges done as yet so sharing another of the Stamp Addicts samples with you (details of stamp were in my post Friday).

And as this is just coming into bloom, a picture of the wonderful Albertine roses which we have scattered around several places in the gardens. There is also a pink honeysuckle mingled amongt it but it's not quite in full bloom so will do some more piccies in a few days.

This is a very old fashioned climbing rose with a wonderful scent, something lots of the modern roses don't have.

It was taken as a grafted cutting from my Dad's garden about ten years ago and as he died at Christmas has a very special meaning to me.


  1. Like this one Brenda, against the brick background it looks like it could be a garden tile, very beautiful.

  2. I love how you display your cards and this one is as gorgeous as the one I commented on before love the softer colour tome to it. I adore roses and have several in my garden I am finding that the white ones are glorious again this year but my coloured ones are not lasting very long must be the weather lol. I love this one of yours and can't wait to see the honeysuckle bet the smell is divine.

    Lorraine x

  3. fab card brenda and lovely roses, we bought a pretty peach standard rose bush on friday, pity the weathers changed, back to work tomorrow. janex

  4. oh Brenda, your card is so elegant and beautiful. I love the flower and the colors. Your roses is very pretty. HAve a wonderful day! Hugs!
