
Monday 8 June 2009

Penny Black 52

I'm under orders to rest after collapsing this morning and eyesight going a bit AWAL ....... most inconvenient as I'm already running behind with the weekends challenges so posting up what I have done and afraid the rest might have to wait a day or so ........ if I'm honest I've been trying to pack an awful lot in the last couple of weeks and this is the way my body usually reminds me that I have to slow down otherwise my MS gets the upper hand ....... but not if I can help it.

I managed to get round to Saturdays Penny Black challenge which is "Blooming Gorgeous". My image is Penny Black 3645K stamped and embossed simply in versafine black and clear embossing powder. The swirls around the edges of the card are Inkadinkado 97632 stamped in Brilliance rust and the image and flower embellishments (cut from another stamping of the main image) has been coloured with Marvy pens. The leaves are cut on Cricut Storybook, inked with Brilliance Thyme and embossed with detail clear and florist stamens added to the flowers. I used Tim Holt antique linen to shade the edges.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well...please take care! Your card, however, is lovely. Very bright and cheerful. I hope your week is creative, but restful. Jo

  2. Oh Brenda I am sorry to hear you are not well you do as you are told and rest we will still be here for you when you feel better. I do so love your card it is stunning I do so love your floral designs you certainly have a special knack with these. I love the colours and the little stamens just perfect. I have left you something on my blog which may cheer you up a little. Thinking of you Hugs
    Lorraine x

  3. Oh Brenda sorry to hear that you are under the weather.Hope you feel better real soon!
    Love your card the colours are fab. xx jo xx

  4. beautiful card Brenda...gorgeous image and I love how you decoupaged the sorry to hear you have been feeling need to take more care of yourself...slow down a bit but ....thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC....Hugs Kath xxxxx

  5. Hi Brenda

    What are you up to young lady? Less of this "drawing attention to yourself" by collapsing!!

    Slow down a bit and make sure you take care of yourself a little more.

    Your Penny Black card is wonderful by the way!

    Love Jules xx

  6. Beautiful and well done with the flowers! Hugs Nilla

  7. Hope your feeling better your card is beautiful I love the colours you have used
    hugs louise

  8. Oh dear Brenda, now you know where your Mojo went, the MS hid it! You know your bodies limits please stick to them or there will be points on your crafting licence ;-)

    Love the colours you have used on this card and the images are so lovely - as you know right up my street! Thanks for the very kind generous comment you left at my little place.

    Take it easy - hugs

  9. Wow clever you, love the way you incorporated the stamped flowers with the dire cut Mel x
