
Friday 5 June 2009


OMG, realised I chose six last night to pass the award on to, clearly I had a numerically bad day yesterday. So to even things up I did say to Lisa she might prefer the flowers, so that would leave five for the cart award !! Is that a credible argument, I do hope so would hate to abuse blogger rules and all that.

Just of to StampAddicts now to deliver a batch of cards for their next TV show which is coming up in a week so's time. Sure Sarah will be posting up the exact dates and times very shortly and sure I will be able to share some of the samples very shortly.
Still a bit dry on the card front, so sharing another picture of this patch of digitalis which are ahead of all the others around the garden, the colours are so wonderful (ignore the shrub behind them, it looks a bit sad as it was caught by a late frost, but beginning to show new growth).


  1. hello Brenda, the flowers are so pretty. I love flowers- gardenflowers... Great pic. Happy day for you!

  2. Hi Brenda, your flowers are wonderful...digitalis are among my favorites. I think it's because they stand so tall. As for the blog award, I can't image there would be any rule against spreading too much love and friendship.

  3. Loving the flowers Brenda!

    Foxgloves are so lovely arn't they and SO many colours I took a photo of some white ones (and it came out like they were glowing) bad photo that worked out lovely lol will have to have a look for it! good luck with the card going on TV (get you super star!) lol

    Love Dawn xx

  4. The flowers are more than ok, Brenda. Please don't worry.
    I love your foxgloves, mine have still to show their faces. Still they will be worth waiting for. They are such happy flowers swaying in the breeze.

