
Wednesday 17 June 2009

MS card collection

Good morning everyone, another beautiful morning here in the fens, hope it's the same wherever you may be.

Just a very quick update on the card I have been collecting for the MS fundraising day next week. I have been overwhelmed by everyones generosity and have received in excess of 600 cards, so together we will enable the society to raise a considerable sum of money. As I need to deliver the cards to the organisers today so they can make their preparations, I am removing the flower logo from my sidebar. I have tried to contact everyone who has donated cards and/or added my flower logo to their blog, but I fear I will miss some as quite a lot of cards have arrived without contact details. So please accept this posting as a HUGE thank you to everyone and I will ask the organisers if they can let me know how much is raised so I can post it up after the event.
The white blooms are one of the Philadelphus (mock orange blossom) on bloom in the garden, this is one is a double and the fragranece wonderful.


  1. Oh no! I'm still working on the cards I wanted to send to you! That's ok though, I'll send them to you anyway, and you can keep them or donate them to another charity if you like. Hope you're doing well, Brenda! Aloha, Linda

  2. Oh Brenda what wonderful news and so many cards it will be nice to know how much they have raised when the time comes. It was a pleasure to be able to contribute to such a worthy cause. Can I also say how beautiful your blog looks it is truly amazing. I also love the picture of the bloom we have these out the front and boy the smell is wonderful.

    Lorraine x

  3. It's been a pouring wet day here in Yorkshire Brenda and breezy too but I'm glad you've got the sun. Good luck with your card sale. I came to your site a bit late to join in but will be happy to contribute if you have another one. My Aunt suffers from MS too so I know what a worthwhile charity it is.
    All the best

