
Sunday 21 June 2009

More candy and award

Oh my goodness, not had any blogging time today then I get a mail and just have to share the news. I won last weeks Everybody Art Challenge and the prize is some stamps ......... it's the same card that was also selected in Cupcake Top Five - this is the card.

And on top of that Linda in Hawaii has given me an award and there are also two from Lisa. Thank you so much Linda adn Lisa, I will be passing them along with the awards I received earlier this week. But behind on doing those things and been rather lax this weekend in visiting blogs, so sorry folks but working hard on samples for Stamp Addicts (think I'm allowed to tease you and say a new shows in the offing) and not even done this weeks Penny Black challenge, so lots to do later to catch up.


  1. Hi Brenda

    Congratulations on the award and the win .. .. well done. It was a beautiful card with such wonderful colours.

    Love Jules xx

  2. congratulations hun well deserved as it was a great card love cheryl xxxx

  3. Your a wee star and well deserved of lots of awards.

  4. Congratulations Brenda on your win and your award, you so deserve it. There is one on my blog if you want to pick it up, I'm never sure who to pass them onto, I know some people get a few too many but your blog is definitely amongst my favourites.


  5. Congratulations Brenda - A well deserved win and award.
    Love Lynda xxx
