
Thursday 18 June 2009

Dragondream TIO

Simplicity and Serenity is the theme at Drogaons TIO this week. I immediately thought of this stamp as it always evokes calmness to me. It's from the Artful Stamper 1159R, I've had it years and used in for a number of different occasionas.

The tag, cut on Cricut Plantin Schoolbook has been lightly misted with Glimmer Mists - lily pad and lemon zest, then when dry spritzed here adn there with timeless lilac through a piece of mesh material to achieve a honeycomb effect. The image is stamped in versfine black and heat embossed with detail clear and I added crystal glitter to the folds of her dress and neckline. Her wings were stamped again onto vellum, spritzed with the lilac GM and decoupages. The edges of the tag are stamped with brilliance purple using Penny Black 3878F. The image had a lily in her hands and I have laid a silk one over the top and added a ribbon bow and a tiny butterfly.


  1. OOOO yummy, Brenda. I love this one Thanks for playing again this week.

  2. Hi Brenda! Oh my,that is beautiful!! Lovely stamp :)

    Hugs, Kari

  3. This is beautiful Brenda, I love how you have created the background - gorgeous.
    Clare x

  4. really lovely xx jo xx

  5. Hi Brenda. It was a great theme this week wasn't it. Your stamp is just beautiful, very serene and I love the colours you've used.


  6. Love the simplicity of this stamp a few clean lines can express so much. Great colour scheme as well beautiful tag.

  7. Cute little angel. Love it.

  8. Oh Brenda, you are right...she is so calming! Beautiful tag X
