
Tuesday 23 June 2009

Allsorts challenge

Afternoon everyone and yes, the sun is shining here in the Fens at long last and hope to get stuck into some challenge work later. Meanwhile ........ don't forget to check out the fabby candy on offer this week at Allsorts courtesy of Sir Stampalot, the theme is "Wings" -lots of you have already entered, but always room for more, we love to see all your designs, so what you waiting for, get creating.

Until I get back with some projects, here's a piccy of some more of my fragrant Albertine roses, they are usually all over by now but think the cooler weather has prolonged their blooming season this year.


  1. Hi Brenda. Your roses are just beautiful. It looks like it's going to be a good year for the roses doesn't it, mine are just getting going, although they were nearly washed away with the rain last night during a really rumbly thunder storm. Not much thunder but the rain was amazing.
    I am still pondering your wings challenge but hope to get something together, that prize is very tempting!!
    Have a lovely evening


  2. Hello Brenda

    What fabulous roses, I love them especially the colour. You are so lucky to grow them. I must get my thinking cap on with a card with wings, as the prize is very tempting.


  3. What gorgeous flowers! They look like they would smell so pretty.
