
Sunday 28 June 2009

Airing my new drawers

Good evening everyone, I am doing a quick post as I so want to say thank you and how much I appreciate everyones kind messages, post and mails over the last few days, they have really been a great support when I was feeling less than human to put it mildly. I'm still not 100% and if they get their way, might not be for a bit as I might have to have surgery on my gums/front teeth ......... you can image how excited I am about that prospect ? But I do plan to try a bit of crafting tomorrow ....... I did say plan, so will see how the day works out
Meantime one of my buddies Jules asked what my "birthday drawers" were like !! Now I did tell her my hubby got me some for my birthday, but don't remember any mention of M&S or LaSensa ........ what would anyone think he bought me ? Cummon all of you, practicality here ........ DP's and Bazzil whatever else do I need drawers for ?
So to stop the rot before it sets in think I need to share some piccies of these already famous "drawers" and at the same time help fill the page with one or two more of my craft haven.
You'll notice Buffy showing what a versatile crafter she is, when the cameras at one end of the room so is she doing a spot of relaxing and keeping a close eye on the new intrusion of her floor space (which hubby had fixed nicely next to my pride and joy ribbon storage rack which goes right up to the ceiling ........ and what's left over hangs over my desk ........ OK, so I like ribbons - does it show just a tiny bit?) then the next minute she's all smiles up the other end with Torres (yes named after the Red's brilliant forward - and my mouse mat has the same theme, how sad is that ?).
And finally a question - I also had some money for my birthday and thinking about getting some Pro Markers - never used them or even looked at them, but know lots of you do. I've only ever used Marve le Plumes - if it's not a silly question, how do they compare ????


  1. Fabulous drawers!!!! I wish my craft room was this tidy. Torres I thought that was wine!
    Glad you feeling better.

  2. I'm really glad you had a picture with that title! Your craft room looks fabulous. What a wonderful birthday present those drawers are.
    Glad you're feeling better.
    eileen xoxo

  3. I love you new drawers lol and would love some too,and you ribbon looks pretty good too. glad to hear your feeling a bit better.
    hugs louise

  4. Wow Brenda - what delicious drawers!

    .. .. .. what a super cool craft space - you lucky lady!!

    I have seen less stash in my local craft shop!!!

    Feel really sorry that you may need surgery on your teeth and gums - that isn't lucky!!

    You take care.

    Love Jules xx

  5. I am dead jealous of your new drawers they look amazing, thems the sort of drawers worth spending your money on!!! sorry your still not yourself hope you will be soon love chris xx

  6. I am soooo jealous of all your beautiful storage drawers and space lucky girl! good to hear you are getting back bad to hear about the surgury but expect you will feel better when it is all over.

    Re Pro Markers no comparision go treat yourself to streak free colouring but get a blender it is priceless.


  7. Those drawers are amazing, so's the rest of your room. I'm coming for a play :)

    I'm glad you're starting to feel a bit better. Not good that you may need surgery though.

    I don't have Pro Markers, so can't help you there I'm afraid xoxo

  8. Brenda I am so jealous, how do you keep everything so tidy when your beautiful craft items always involve a lot of messing about!!! Glad you are on the mend, and if you need the surgery just grit your teeth and get it done, excuse the pun lol. Promarkers are excellent to work with and at your standard of craft you will just love them. Get well soon. Hugs

  9. great craft space love the drawers,craft ones I mean as for pro markers I have just bought my first set and I love them brilliant to work with and they look briliant on cards,so if you spend your money i would definatly recommend them if you go to Joanna Sheene website she has them on there they are the cheapest I have seen and no p and p and also quick delivery too love cheryl xxxxxxxxxx

  10. Hi Brenda, sorry you've been ill, I had 10 dental implants last year and was just fine, I love my new teeth and the drugs they gave me for surgery made it all dream like no pain, so don't worry.
    Your new draws are bril I'm jellous.
    About promarkers, I have lots of marvey markers and there totally different.I also have about 30 copic markers there good esp for skin tones, promarkers are great hubby bought me all 92 for my birthday , the best deal is from joanna sheen.
    hope you feel well soon. janex

  11. Hi Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear you might have to have surgery, but I'm glad you are feeling a bit better at the moment. Thank you for showing us your craft space - those drawers are great. I've left an award on my blog for you if you would like it.
    Have a great day.
    Clare x

  12. gorgeous craft room! so well organised!

  13. Wow Brenda, I love your craft room, you should see mine, its chockabloc, I really need to do some sorting out. Maybe after my grandsons have been to stay. Lucky thing, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  14. Hi Brenda, glad you're feeling a little bit better and hope all goes well with the teeth/gum problems. Your craft room is just amazing and I love your drawers!!! Hope you're back to 100% crafting soon
    Love Lynda xxx

  15. Hi Brenda. So glad to hear things are getting better, but don't fancy the dental surgery, poor you. I am so envious of your drawers!!!! Your craft area is just fab, I so wish I had room for something like this.


  16. Шикарное скрап-царство!!! Столько богатсва скрапового, можно обзавидоваться!
    Все так аккуратно и безупречно!
    Желаю всего самого доброго!
