
Tuesday 12 May 2009

A spoonful of sugar 51

Well, not really sure I like this one, it might grow on me, but an awful lot going on, all those buttons, but "Buttons Galore is this weeks challenge from A Spoonful of Sugar.

I fancied trying our a combo of green and brown using a DP from Bella Press. The circles are cut from nesties on the Cuttlebug, sanded and Tim Holtz peeled pain rubbed lightly across the surface. The swirly stamp is Hero H3317 and underneath to soften the green I stamped Hero H3317 with soft sand also Hero.

A pack of brown buttons seemed to have abundace of the same ones so I used these and followed the circles to achieve a scrolly effect - I know I've just counted them 13, I'm not superstitious. A few Hero flowers, brads and button added and a piece of ribbon fixed with a jumbo staple.


  1. Lovely card Brenda - the colours work really well together and the buttons are not over-powering at all.
    Love it!
    Debs xx

  2. Brenda I love it - I think it is really elegant and I love the colours you have used. Thanks for joining us this week at ASFOS
    Karen x

  3. Oh my I do love this one Brenda the colours are great and everything is laid out just right the buttons help make the card and I don't think there are too many just perfect.

    Lorraine x
    Ps the cards are now packed up and ready to go

  4. Another beautiful card Brenda, the buttons really belong there. Colours are perfect.

  5. Hi Brenda

    It just wouldn't be the same without the buttons!! They lead you through all those different elements of your card.

    Beautiful shades of green and those flowers are delicious.

    Love Jules xx

  6. I love it, the colours, the mix, details, well all! Have a nice day! hugs Nilla
