
Saturday 11 April 2009

Stamp Something Challenge

This weeks challenge for Stamp Something is 'Shapes' using a minimum of two different shapes. The card I have created is a design I have used several times before which uses up lots of scraps of paper, ribbon etc., - unusual for me given that I'll be the first to admit I'm not a thrifty crafter. The design is always popular at demos as it offers people lots of ideas of how they can use their stash in their own way. In this one I have used one of my favourite colour combinations of yellow and blue. All stamps are Hero Arts unmounted with the exception of the Penny Black butterfly, all stamped with versafine majestic blue and embossed with clear detail onto Bazzil and Sandylion.


  1. Like this a lot great take on the idea.

  2. This card is stunning! Quite simple design, yet so many wonderful details. Brilliant!! Hope you don't mind if I steal this idea sometime. Excellent way to use small parts of paper and I even have a square punch I haven't even unwrapped :-O Thanks for the inspiration!
