
Friday 24 April 2009

Crafty homework

One of my granddaughters who is twelve loves to craft and spends hours in my craft room and often finds ways to draw it into her school work.

For the last month or so she has been working on a history project based on Oliver Cromwell which seemed to be taking forever - and an awful lot of cardstock !

An inside page layout.

Although she need only have written an illustrated essay, she decided to create a book which she bound together with the Zutter. She also used the cricut to cut envelopes and other elements to build up the content.

But it's all been worthwhile because this week we saw the results of all her hard work as she received an amazing mark and comment from her teacher.

So naturally I had to share it ! Good works deserves reward, so looks like it's going to be a costly weekend !


  1. Fantastic project, good on her. And i'm so pleased the teacher could see how much hard work, resourcefulness and love went into it all. It makes a grannie proud, doesn't it!

  2. Thankyou granny for letting me use all of that card to make this so good. I just cant believe how good the teacher thought it was.

    Azaria x

  3. What wondeful work, well done for all your imagination and hard work.


  4. Oh my, how clever this all is. Very well done young lady.

    Mandy xx
