
Sunday 29 March 2009

Black and White

As ever, monochrome remains popular so I thought I would share this one with you as it drew a lot of comments during my demo day at Colemans yesterday. I designed the card initially for a day of classes at Sir Stampalot earlier this month using the new Hero Arts stamps. All products are available from Sir Stampalot (

It is a really quick card to make. The top half of the black card was stamped using Hero CL300 (butterfly block) using versamark and embossed with detail clear powder and again on the smallest circle using verafine black and clear embossing. The spotty paper was just a scrap I had in my stash and the scallop at the bottom was cut from Cricut Plantin Schoolbook. The circles are cut on my Cuttlebug with nesties. The large butterfly was stamped on vellum with Hero F5158, verafine black and clear emboss then a little glitter added. The greeting is Art Impression F3143 and all finshed off with pearl gems.

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